lpn 0.2.0

Software to study attacks on the Learning Parity with Noise problem
use std::boxed::Box;
use std::default::Default;
use std::sync::Once;

use fnv::FnvHashMap;

use m4ri_rust::friendly::BinMatrix;
use m4ri_rust::friendly::BinVector;

use crate::codes::BinaryCode;

/// ``[{{n}}, {{k}}]`` {{ name }} code
///{% if comment %}
/// {{ comment }}{% endif %}
/// Decodes using Syndrome decoding
#[derive(Clone, Serialize)]
pub struct {{ name }}Code{{n}}_{{k}};

static INIT: Once = Once::new();
static mut GENERATOR_MATRIX: *const BinMatrix = 0 as *const BinMatrix;
static mut PARITY_MATRIX: *const BinMatrix = 0 as *const BinMatrix;
static mut PARITY_MATRIX_T: *const BinMatrix = 0 as *const BinMatrix;
static mut SYNDROME_MAP: *const FnvHashMap<u64, &'static [usize; {{ syndrome_map_itemlen }}]> = 0 as *const FnvHashMap<u64, &'static [usize; {{ syndrome_map_itemlen }}]>;

fn init() {
    INIT.call_once(|| {
        unsafe {
            let matrix = Box::new(BinMatrix::from_slices(&[
                {% for row in generator %}&[ {{ row|intlist }} ],
                {% endfor %}
            ], {{ n }}));
            GENERATOR_MATRIX = Box::into_raw(matrix);

            let matrix = Box::new(BinMatrix::from_slices(&[
                {% for row in parity_matrix %}&[ {{ row|intlist }} ],
                {% endfor %}
            ], {{ n }}));
            let matrix_t = Box::new(matrix.transposed());
            PARITY_MATRIX = Box::into_raw(matrix);
            PARITY_MATRIX_T = Box::into_raw(matrix_t);

            let mut map = Box::new(FnvHashMap::with_capacity_and_hasher({{ syndrome_map|length }}, Default::default()));
            {% for (he, e) in syndrome_map.items() %}map.insert({{ he }}, &[{{ e|intlist }}]);     // {{ he }} => {{ e }}
            {% endfor %}
            SYNDROME_MAP = Box::into_raw(map);

impl {{ name }}Code{{n}}_{{k}} {
    fn parity_check_matrix_transposed(&self) -> &BinMatrix {
        unsafe {

impl BinaryCode for {{ name }}Code{{n}}_{{k}} {
    fn name(&self) -> String {
        "[{{ n }}, {{ k }}] {{ name }} code".to_owned()

    fn length(&self) -> usize {
        {{ n }}

    fn dimension(&self) -> usize {
        {{ k }}

    fn generator_matrix(&self) -> &BinMatrix {
        unsafe {

    fn parity_check_matrix(&self) -> &BinMatrix {
        unsafe {

    fn decode_to_code(&self, c: &BinVector) -> Result<BinVector, &str> {
        let map = unsafe {
        debug_assert_eq!(c.len(), self.length(), "the length doesn't match the expected length (length of the code)");
        let he = c * self.parity_check_matrix_transposed();
        let mut error = BinVector::with_capacity({{ n }});
        let stor = unsafe { error.get_storage_mut() };
        let errbytes = map[&he.as_u64()];
        debug_assert_eq!(errbytes.len(), {{ n }} / 64 + if {{ n }} % 64 != 0 { 1 } else { 0 });
        unsafe { error.set_len({{ n }}) };
        debug_assert_eq!(error.len(), self.length(), "internal: the error vector is of the wrong length");
        let result = c + &error;
        debug_assert_eq!(result.len(), self.length(), "internal: the result vector is of the wrong length");
        debug_assert_eq!((&result * self.parity_check_matrix_transposed()).count_ones(), 0);

    fn decode_to_message(&self, c: &BinVector) -> Result<BinVector, &str> {
        {% if info_set|max == k - 1 %}
        let mut codeword = self.decode_to_code(c)?;
        codeword.truncate({{ k }});
        {% else %}
        let codeword = self.decode_to_code(c)?;
        let mut new_codeword = BinVector::with_capacity({{k}});
        {% for idx in info_set %}new_codeword.push(codeword[{{idx}}]);
        {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}

    fn decode_slice(&self, c: &mut [u64]) {
        debug_assert_eq!(c[{{ n }} / 64] & !((1 << {{ n % 64 }}) - 1), 0, "this message has excess bits");

        let map = unsafe {
        let he = &BinMatrix::from_slices(&[&c[..]], self.length()) * self.parity_check_matrix_transposed();
        let error = map[unsafe { &he.get_word_unchecked(0, 0) }];
        c.iter_mut().zip(error.iter().copied()).for_each(|(sample, error)| *sample ^= error as u64);

    {% if name == "Hamming" or (name == "Golay" and n == 23) %}
    /// We know how to give the bias directly for this code
    fn bias(&self, delta: f64) -> f64 {
        {% if name == "Hamming" %}
        (1f64 + f64::from({{ n }}) * delta) / f64::from({{ n }} + 1)
        {% elif name == "Golay" and n == 23%}
        (1.0 + 23.0 * delta + 253.0 * delta.powi(2) + 1771.0 * delta.powi(3))/2f64.powi(11)
        {% endif %}
    {% endif %}

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use m4ri_rust::friendly::BinVector;
    use crate::oracle::Sample;

    fn size() {
        let code = {{ name }}Code{{n}}_{{k}}.generator_matrix();
        assert_eq!(code.ncols(), {{n}});
        assert_eq!(code.nrows(), {{k}});

    fn test_decode_sample() {
        let code = {{ name }}Code{{n}}_{{k}};
        for _ in 0..1000 {
            // setup
            let vec = BinVector::random(code.length());
            let mut sample_a = Sample::from_binvector(&vec, false);
            let mut sample_b = Sample::from_binvector(&vec, true);
            let decoded_vec = code.decode_to_message(&vec).unwrap();
            println!("decoded_vec: {:?}", decoded_vec);

            // test vectors
            let decoded_vec_sample_a = Sample::from_binvector(&decoded_vec, false);
            let decoded_vec_sample_b = Sample::from_binvector(&decoded_vec, true);

            code.decode_sample(&mut sample_a);
            code.decode_sample(&mut sample_b);
            assert_eq!(sample_a.get_product(), false);
            assert_eq!(sample_b.get_product(), true);
            assert_eq!(sample_a, decoded_vec_sample_a);
            assert_eq!(sample_b, decoded_vec_sample_b);

    fn random_decode_tests() {

        {% for testcase in testcases %}
            let code = {{ name}}Code{{n}}_{{ k }};
            let randvec = BinVector::from_bools(&[{{ testcase.randvec|boollist }}]);
            let codeword = BinVector::from_bools(&[{{ testcase.codeword|boollist }}]);
            assert_eq!(code.decode_to_code(&randvec), Ok(codeword));
        {% endfor %}

    fn test_generator_representation() {
        let generator_matrix = unsafe { GENERATOR_MATRIX.as_ref().unwrap() };
        let first_row = generator_matrix.get_window(0, 0, 1, generator_matrix.ncols());
        let vector = BinVector::from_bools(&[ {{ generator_bools[0]|boollist }} ]);
        assert_eq!(vector, first_row.as_vector());
