lpfs 0.2.0

Retriving infomations from linux proc filesystem

docs.rs crates.io license

The goal of this repo is to make retriving system informations reside in proc file system easier.


use lpfs::proc::*;
use lpfs::pid::*;

fn main() {
    //  /proc/stat
    println!("{:?}", stat().unwrap());

    //  /proc/1/stat
    println!("{:?}", stat_of(1).unwrap());

Interface Design

eminence/procfs is a similar crate with different interface design.

Top-Level Files

Each file is retrived by a function reside in lpfs::proc with same name. For example, lpfs::proc::cmdline retrive from /proc/cmdline.

Process Directories

It's similar with top-level files, here is an example with stat.

function file
stat_of(pid) /proc/[pid]/stat
stat_self() /proc/self/stat
stat_of_task(pid, tid) /proc/[pid]/task/[tid]/stat
stat_self_task(tid) /proc/self/task/[tid]/stat

These functions reside in lpfs::pid

Minial Requirement

rust 2018 (rustc 1.31.0 +)


all linux distribution with 3.+ kernel version.