lpc55-hal 0.0.4

Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) for the NXP LPC55S6x ARM Cortex-33 microcontrollers
# source .gdb-dashboard

set history save on
set confirm off

# find commit-hash using `rustc -Vv`
set substitute-path /rustc/73528e339aae0f17a15ffa49a8ac608f50c6cf14 /home/nicolas/.rustup/toolchains/stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/rustlib/src/rust

target extended-remote :2331
monitor reset
monitor semihosting enable
# monitor semihosting breakOnError <digit>
# by default (1) output goes to Telnet client, 2 sends to GDB client, 3 would send to both
monitor semihosting IOClient 3
#break led.rs:67
#monitor swo enabletarget 0 0 1 0
# mon SWO EnableTarget 0 48000000 1875000 0
# continue
# stepi