lowpass-filter 0.2.0

This is a `no_std` Rust library for simple digital low pass filters. You can use it for example to get the low frequencies from a song.
lowpass-filter-0.2.0 has been yanked.

Rust: no_std digital low pass filter library

This is a no_std Rust library for simple digital low pass filters. You can use it for example to get the low frequencies from a song.

I'm not an expert on digital signal processing. Code contributions are highly welcome! :)

How to use

use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::fs::File;
use audio_visualizer::waveform::staticc::png_file::visualize;
use audio_visualizer::{Channels, ChannelInterleavement};
use std::time::Instant;
use lowpass_filter::simple::sp::apply_lpf_i16_sp;
use minimp3::{Decoder as Mp3Decoder, Frame as Mp3Frame, Error as Mp3Error};

fn main() {
    let mut path = PathBuf::new();
    let mut decoder = Mp3Decoder::new(File::open(path).unwrap());

    let mut lrlr_mp3_samples = vec![];
    loop {
        match decoder.next_frame() {
            Ok(Mp3Frame { data: samples_of_frame, .. }) => {
                for sample in samples_of_frame {
            Err(Mp3Error::Eof) => break,
            Err(e) => panic!("{:?}", e),
    // split into left and right channel
    let (mut left, mut right) = Channels::Stereo(ChannelInterleavement::LRLR)

    // left: low pass filter with i16 samples in single precision
    apply_lpf_i16_sp(&mut left, 44100, 120);
    // right: lpf with i16 samples in single precision
    apply_lpf_i16_sp(&mut right, 44100, 120);

    // visualize audio as waveform in a PNG file

Visual Examples

#1: Original Waveform

Example 1: Original Waveform of a short sample

#1: Lowpassed Waveform

Example 1: Lowpassed Waveform of a short sample

#2: Original Waveform

Example 1: Original Waveform of a song

#2: Lowpassed Waveform

Example 1: Lowpassed Waveform of a song

#2: 3x Lowpassed Waveform

Example 1: Lowpassed Waveform of a song 3x