lovm2 0.4.7

a lightweight virtual machine with a focus on simplicity and extendability.

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Is a lightweight virtual machine with a focus on simplicity and extendability.

lovm2 = "0.4.7"


  • dynamic typing
  • generate bytecode using highlevel intermediate representation
  • call into shared objects: lovm2_extend
  • python bindings: pylovm2
  • define own callbacks for interrupts



Source Code References

Generating Bytecode

use lovm2::prelude::*;
use lovm2::vm::Vm;

let mut module = ModuleBuilder::new();

// a module needs a code object called `main`
// if you want to make it runnable
let mut main_hir = module.entry();

// set the local variable n to 10
main_hir.step(Assign::local(&lv2_var!(n), 10));

// `print` is a builtin function. the `lv2_var!` macro
// ensures that the given identifier is not confused
// with a string.
main_hir.step(Call::new("print").arg(lv2_var!(n)).arg("Hello World"));
// ... this is equivalent to the developer-friendly version:
main_hir.step(lv2_call!(print, n, "Hello World"));

// creates a `Module` from the `ModuleBuilder`
let module = module.build().unwrap();
println!("{}", module);

// load the module and run it
let mut vm = Vm::with_std();
vm.add_main_module(module).expect("load error");
vm.run().expect("run error");

Customer Reviews

This Thing Fast - Sonic

And I thought I was simple... - Pythagorean Theorem