logram 0.2.1

Push logs updates to Telegram
# logram - push logs updates to Telegram [![crates.io]https://img.shields.io/crates/v/logram.svg]https://crates.io/crates/logram [![travis-ci.org]https://api.travis-ci.org/Ralvke/logram.svg?branch=master]https://travis-ci.org/Ralvke/logram

## Use
1. Install Rust via [Rustup]https://rustup.rs/
2. Install logram: `cargo install logram`
3. Create bot
4. Run logram in echoID mode: `logram echoID <bot token>` and get needed chat ids:
    * For regular chat: send any message to bot
    * For group chat: add bot to group
    * For channel: forward any message from channel to bot (dont forget add bot to channel admins)
5. Write config from example
6. Run in normal mode `logram <path to config>`

## Config example
  # bot token
  token: 123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11
  # default chat (for updates from files without custom chat and errors)
  chat: 12345678 

  # watching files (logs)
      # path to file
    - path: /var/log/awesome.log 
      # custom chat for this file (optional)
      chat: 12345678 
      # push updates only which matches that regex (optional) 
      # (more info: doc.rust-lang.org/regex)
      regex: critical 

## Systemd service
1. Create link: `sudo ln -s /home/<user>/.cargo/bin/logram /usr/bin/logram`
2. Copy config to `/etc/logram.yaml`
3. Copy `logram.service` to `/etc/systemd/system`
4. Reload services: `sudo systemctl daemon-reload`
5. Enable service: `sudo systemctl enable logram`
6. Run service: `sudo systemctl start logram`

## Use logram as slog drain
Logram implements `slog::Drain`, example usage:
1. Import logram as library
slog = "2.0"
logram = "0.2"
2. Use logram as drain
extern crate slog;
extern crate slog_logram;

use slog::Drain;
use slog_logram::{TelegramDrain, Config, Formats};

fn main() {
    // Telegram config
    let config = Config {
        // Bot token
        token: "123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11".to_string(),
        // Chat id
        chat: 12345678,

    // Message format can be changed
    // Formats support Telegram HTML markup (core.telegram.org/bots/api#html-style)
    let formats = Formats {
        // Message format, variables: global_kv, record, record_kv
        // Default: "{global_kv}\n\n{record}{record_kv}"
        message: None,
        // Record format, variables: msg, level, line, column, file, tag, module, function
        // Default: "<b>{level} {file}:{line}</b>\n<pre>{msg}</pre>"
        record: None,
        // Values format, variables: key, val
        // Default: "<b>{key}:</b> {val}"
        kv: None,

    let drain = TelegramDrain::new(config, formats).unwrap().fuse();
    let root = slog::Logger::root(drain, o!("global_values" => "supported"));

    info!(root, "hello, Telegram"; "log_values" => "also_supported");