logprob 0.2.0

A wrapper around floats to handle log probabilities


This crate defines a basic LogProb wrapper for floats. The struct is designed so that only values that are coherent for a log-probability are acceptable. This means that LogProb can store:

  • Any finite negative float value (e.g. -0.23, -32535.05, -66.0).
  • Negative infinity (corresponding to 0.0 probability)
  • 0.0 and -0.0.

The crate is intended for careful implementations of computations involving log-probabilities.


  • A way to add LogProbs (equivalent take the product of their corresponding raw probabilities)
  • Take the product of a LogProb and an unsigned integer (e.g. equivalent to p^n).
  • Ord and Eq trait on LogProb as there is no NaN.
  • A relatively efficient implementation of LogSumExp for slices and iterators.

For examples, see the documentation.