logix-type 0.9.0

Provides the `LogixType` trait and the parser for `.logix` files, aimed at enabling easy-to-read-and-write configurations for `logix`.

logix-type - provider of the LogixType trait and derive macro

Welcome to logix-type, the dedicated parser for .logix files, used by the logix crate. It aims to be a user readable format that is easy to both read and write. This makes logix-type an essential part of the Logix ecosystem.


  • A syntax that is easy to read and write for humans
  • Include basic programming primitives without letting it go too far

Current Focus

The focus of this crate is to provide the config format needed by Logix. Compatibility will be broken without considerations at this stage.


This project is licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL). All contributions to this project will be covered by the MPL, unless an exception is explicitly stated at the top of the contributed file. For more details, see the LICENSE file in the repository