login_app 0.1.2

A generic login module for web apps
MSMTP is a SMTP client; it can be installed in the Linux Ubuntu with the following steps:  
1.  ~$ sudo apt-get install msmtp  
2.  ~$ vim .msmtprc  # enter following lines  
        # zoho account  (I am using my zoho email account)  
        account zoho  
        auth on  
        host smtp.zoho.com  
        port 465  
        user <user id here; most likely an email id>  
        password <password to log into email account>  
        from <email id here; most likely same as user id above>  
        tls on  
        tls_starttls off  
        tls_trust_file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt  
        # set default account to use  
        account default : zoho  
        # press ESC; then :wq! to save and exit from vim editor  
3.  ~$ chmod 600 .msmtprc  
4.  ~$ msmtp <to_email_id here> # leave a blank line after Subject as shown, else email won't work  
    Subject:  Test mail  
        # Ctrl-D to send  
        # check email received at to_email_id  
