logid 0.7.1

Rust logging framework using IDs to identify log entries.


Rust logging framework using IDs to identify log entries.


Split User and Program Information

In Rust, many crates have adopted the concept to return Result<T, dyn std::error::Error> if execution of a function might fail. This allows a somewhat flexible error handling, but why is it even necessary to forward the full underlying error?

The approach of logid is to minimize the information, that is returned in case of failed execution, so that the caller function is able to react accordingly. In the case of logid, it was decided to only return a LogId number. This number is used to uniquely identify errors, warnings and more. Using this approach, the return type might look like Result<T, LogId>. Therefore, the LogId may be used to handle the program flow without the need to send the full error information with it.

The error information that is added to describe it is mostly for users of the program, but not for the program itself. Therefore, it was decided to set this user centered information via tracing, and link them together using the LogId.

Besides errors, LogIds may also be used to set warnings, information, or debug information. The principle is always the same. A LogId identifies the severity, and links set tracing events together.

Capture LogId Information

Tracing events represent single points in time during program execution. Since additional information for LogIds are each set as an event, an optional map may be used to capture all set LogIds with their additional information.

It is possible to use the built-in map of the logid crate, or provide a custom one for more control.

The map may at some point be drained. All captured entries of set LogIds so far that were finalized are returned, and removed from the map. MappedLogIds are finalized either manually using finalize(), or automatically after a MappedLogId goes out of scope, or is converted to a LogId.

Finalizing means that no more information will be added to a MappedLogId, making an entry safe to inspect. An entry that was finalized is marked as drainable.

Using logid

At first, a LogId must be created. The function get_log_id may be used for this. The function uses bit-shifting to arrange LogIds according to severity and source position. Since LogId is a wrapper around isize, it is possible to assign a value to an enum, and later convert it into a LogId. The logid!() macro may be used for this conversion.

With the LogId created, the next step is to set an initial event, and optionally map the LogId. There are three functions available.

  1. set_event ... Uses the built-in map to capture the LogId
  2. set_event_with ... Uses a given map to capture the LogId
  3. set_silent_event ... Sets a trace without capturing the LogId

The two macros set_event!() and set_event_with!() offer a shorthand variant of the first two functions, by automatically setting the filename and line number.

The macro setup_map!() may be used to create a set_event!() macro for a custom LogIdMap. This may be used to create one map per crate, and use the generated set_event!() for all events inside the crate.

Setting an event converts the LogId to a MappedLogId that offers the possibility to provide additional information for the event. For this, functions starting with add_ may be used. Since a LogId might be set multiple times, or even at the same time in parallel context, a MappedLogId uniquely identifies an event. As a consequence, it is not possible to provide any information after the MappedLogId has been finalized.

The following example shows the usage as return value:

use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use logid::{log_id::{LogId, EventLevel, get_log_id}, id_map::LogIdMap, capturing::LogIdTracing};

const SOME_ERROR: LogId = get_log_id(0, 0, EventLevel::Error, 0);

// Create a log-map to capture logs set using `set_event!()` that is generated by `setup_map!()`.
static GLOBAL_LOG_MAP: Lazy<LogIdMap> = Lazy::new(LogIdMap::new);

fn my_func() -> Result<usize, LogId> {
  // some code ...

  // on error
  Err(set_event!(SOME_ERROR, "Some error message")
      .add_debug("Add debug information").into()

Usage Guidelines

The following guidelines should help to ease the integration of logid, and help standardize the use across crates.

  • Write user focused message in set_event calls

    The message given to the set_event functions/macros should be written in a way that users of the crate understand the message.

    Further developer focused information should be added using the add_* functions.

    This differentiation is useful to create more meaningful messages to both user and developer.

  • Create tracing spans on public functions

    spans in tracing are useful to trace the program execution flow. Creating a span on public function calls helps to keep track of crate borders.

  • Use enums for LogIds

    Creating enums for LogIds and grouping them per severity is useful especially for errors to have better matching capabilities.


Feel free to create issues and pull requests. However, feedback about the general concept is of greater value at this stage of development.

Note that any contribution intentionally submitted to logid is going to be MIT licensed.


MIT Licensed