logbar 0.1.1

Log-friendly progress bar
//! A log-friendly command-line progress bar.
//! Many progress bar implementations update the progress report in place,
//! by going back and overwriting previous output. This allows for beautiful
//! progress displays, but becomes a problem when moving backwards is not
//! possible, for example when writing to a pipe. This crate's progress bar
//! never tries to modify what was printed before, so the output can be
//! piped directly to a log file.
//! # Usage
//! Add this to your Cargo.toml:
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! logbar = "0.1"
//! ```
//! # Examples
//! This example creates a default progress bar for a ten-step process:
//! ```rust
//! let bar = logbar::ProgressBar::new(10);
//! // first step (10%) done
//! bar.inc(1);
//! // next three steps done
//! bar.inc(3);
//! // everything done
//! bar.finish();
//! ```
//! We can also customise the style of the progress bar:
//! ```rust
//! let style = logbar::Style::default()
//!     .width(80) // 80 characters wide
//!     .labels(false) // no XX% labels
//!     .tick('↓').bar('-') // rendered as ↓---↓---↓ etc.
//!     .indicator('█') // indicating the progress with '█' characters
//! ;
//! let bar = logbar::ProgressBar::with_style(10, style);
//! bar.finish();
//! ```
use std::default::Default;
use std::{cmp, default, sync};

static DEFAULT_WIDTH: usize = 50;
static DEFAULT_TICK: char = '|';
static DEFAULT_BAR: char = '=';
static DEFAULT_INDICATOR: char = '#';
static SEGMENTS: [usize; 4] = [10, 5, 4, 2];

/// Progress bar style
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
pub struct Style {
    width: usize,
    labels: bool,
    tick: char,
    bar: char,
    indicator: char,

impl Style {
    /// Default progress bar style
    /// # Example
    /// Create a progress bar, explicitly asking for the default style:
    /// ```rust
    /// let style = logbar::Style::new();
    /// let max_progress = 100;
    /// let bar = logbar::ProgressBar::with_style(max_progress, style);
    /// ```
    pub fn new() -> Self {

    /// Set the progress bar width in characters
    /// # Example
    /// Create a progress bar with a width of 80 characters:
    /// ```rust
    /// let style = logbar::Style::new().width(80);
    /// let max_progress = 100;
    /// let bar = logbar::ProgressBar::with_style(max_progress, style);
    /// ```
    pub fn width(mut self, width: usize) -> Self {
        self.width = width;

    /// Toggle progress bar labels of the form XX%
    /// # Example
    /// Create a progress bar without labels:
    /// ```rust
    /// let style = logbar::Style::new().labels(false);
    /// let max_progress = 100;
    /// let bar = logbar::ProgressBar::with_style(max_progress, style);
    /// ```
    pub fn labels(mut self, labels: bool) -> Self {
        self.labels = labels;

    /// Choose a "tick" character separating the progress bar segments
    /// # Example
    /// Create a progress bar with '↓' as tick character:
    /// ```rust
    /// let style = logbar::Style::new().tick('↓');
    /// let max_progress = 100;
    /// let bar = logbar::ProgressBar::with_style(max_progress, style);
    /// ```
    pub fn tick(mut self, tick: char) -> Self {
        self.tick = tick;

    /// Choose a character for the progress bar segments
    /// # Example
    /// Create a progress bar made out of '-' characters, separated
    /// by the default "tick" character.
    /// ```rust
    /// let style = logbar::Style::new().bar('-');
    /// let max_progress = 100;
    /// let bar = logbar::ProgressBar::with_style(max_progress, style);
    /// ```
    pub fn bar(mut self, bar: char) -> Self {
        self.bar = bar;

    /// Choose a progress indicator
    /// # Example
    /// Create a progress bar where the progress is indicated by the
    /// number of '█' characters.
    /// ```rust
    /// let style = logbar::Style::new().indicator('█');
    /// let max_progress = 100;
    /// let bar = logbar::ProgressBar::with_style(max_progress, style);
    /// ```
    pub fn indicator(mut self, indicator: char) -> Self {
        self.indicator = indicator;

impl default::Default for Style {
    /// Default progress bar style
    /// # Example
    /// Create a progress bar, explicitly asking for the default style:
    /// ```rust
    /// let style = logbar::Style::default();
    /// let max_progress = 100;
    /// let bar = logbar::ProgressBar::with_style(max_progress, style);
    /// ```
    fn default() -> Self {
        Style {
            width: DEFAULT_WIDTH,
            labels: true,
            tick: DEFAULT_TICK,
            bar: DEFAULT_BAR,
            indicator: DEFAULT_INDICATOR,

#[derive(Clone, Default, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
struct Counter {
    count: usize,
    progress: usize,
    finished: bool,

/// A log-friendly progress bar
pub struct ProgressBar {
    counter: sync::Arc<sync::Mutex<Counter>>,
    max_progress: usize,
    style: Style,

fn num_segments(width: usize) -> usize {
    for s in SEGMENTS.iter() {
        // the number of segments must divide the total width
        // and each segment must be large enough for labels
        if width % s == 0 && width / s > 3 {
            return *s;

fn draw_labels(width: usize, segments: usize) {
    debug_assert_eq!(width % segments, 0);
    eprint!("0% ");
    let seg_width = width / segments;
    for p in 1..=segments {
        for _ in 0..(seg_width - 3) {
            eprint!(" ");
        eprint!("{}%", p * 100 / segments)

fn draw_tickbar(style: &Style, segments: usize) {
    let width = style.width;
    debug_assert_eq!(width % segments, 0);
    eprint!("{}", style.tick);
    let seg_width = width / segments;
    for _ in 1..=segments {
        for _ in 0..(seg_width - 1) {
            eprint!("{}", style.bar);
        eprint!("{}", style.tick)

fn draw_bar(style: &Style) {
    let width = style.width;
    let segments = num_segments(width);
    if width > 3 && style.labels {
        draw_labels(width, segments)
    if width > 1 {
        draw_tickbar(style, segments)
    } else if width == 1 {
        eprintln!("{}", style.tick)

impl ProgressBar {
    /// Create a new progress bar with default style
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// let max_progress = 100;
    /// let bar = logbar::ProgressBar::new(max_progress);
    /// ```
    pub fn new(max_progress: usize) -> Self {
        ProgressBar::with_style(max_progress, Style::default())

    /// Create a new progress bar with custom style
    /// # Example
    /// Create a progress bar with a width of 80 characters:
    /// ```rust
    /// let style = logbar::Style::new().width(80);
    /// let max_progress = 100;
    /// let bar = logbar::ProgressBar::with_style(max_progress, style);
    /// ```
    pub fn with_style(max_progress: usize, style: Style) -> Self {
        let counter = sync::Arc::new(sync::Mutex::new(Counter::default()));
        ProgressBar {

    /// Get the style of the current progress bar
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// let max_progress = 100;
    /// let bar = logbar::ProgressBar::new(max_progress);
    /// assert_eq!(bar.style(), &logbar::Style::default())
    /// ```
    pub fn style(&self) -> &Style {

    /// Increment the progress
    /// This method increments the internal progress counter, up to the
    /// maximum defined during the construction of the progress bar. It
    /// then updates the progress display.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// let max_progress = 50;
    /// let bar = logbar::ProgressBar::new(max_progress);
    /// bar.inc(10); // Increment progress to 10 out of 50.
    /// // The progress bar is at 20% now
    /// bar.inc(10); // Increment progress to 20 out of 50.
    /// // The progress bar is at 40% now
    /// bar.inc(100); // Increment progress to 50 out of 50.
    /// // The progress bar is at 100% now
    /// ```
    pub fn inc(&self, i: usize) {
        let new_progress = {
            let mut c = self.counter.lock().unwrap();
            let new_count = cmp::min(c.count + i, self.max_progress);
            let new_progress = if self.max_progress > 0 {
                new_count * self.style.width / self.max_progress
            } else {
            let diff = new_progress - c.progress;
            *c = Counter {
                count: new_count,
                progress: new_progress,
                finished: false,
        for _ in 0..new_progress {
            eprint!("{}", self.style.indicator);

    /// Finish the progress bar
    /// This method sets the progress to 100% and moves to the next line
    /// after the progress bar
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// let max_progress = 50;
    /// let bar = logbar::ProgressBar::new(max_progress);
    /// bar.finish();
    /// // The progress bar is at 100% now
    /// ```
    pub fn finish(&self) {
        let mut c = self.counter.lock().unwrap();
        if !c.finished {
            c.finished = true;

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    //TODO: capture stderr and check
    // for the time being, run
    // cargo test -- --nocapture --test-threads=1
    // and check the output manually

    fn construct() {
        let max_progress = 1000;
            let bar = ProgressBar::new(max_progress);
            assert_eq!(bar.style().width, DEFAULT_WIDTH);

            let width = 80;
            let mut style = Style::default();
            style.width = width;
            let bar = ProgressBar::with_style(max_progress, style);
            assert_eq!(bar.style().width, width);

    fn inc() {
        let max_progress = 20;
        let ten_millis = std::time::Duration::from_millis(10);

        let bar = ProgressBar::new(max_progress);
        for _ in 0..max_progress {

        let bar = ProgressBar::new(max_progress);
        bar.inc(2 * max_progress);

        let _bar = ProgressBar::new(max_progress);

    fn empty() {
        let max_progress = 0;

        let bar = ProgressBar::new(max_progress);

    fn finish() {
        let max_progress = 200;
        let bar = ProgressBar::new(max_progress);

    fn abort() {
        let max_progress = 200;
        let bar = ProgressBar::new(max_progress);

    fn alt_styles() {
        let max_progress = 200;
        eprintln!("indicator █:");
        let style = Style::new().indicator('');
        let bar = ProgressBar::with_style(max_progress, style);

        eprintln!("\ntick ↓:");
        let style = Style::new().tick('');
        let bar = ProgressBar::with_style(max_progress, style);

        eprintln!("\nbar -:");
        let style = Style::new().bar('-');
        let bar = ProgressBar::with_style(max_progress, style);

        eprintln!("\nno labels:");
        let style = Style::new().labels(false);
        let bar = ProgressBar::with_style(max_progress, style);

        eprintln!("\nall of the above:");
        let style = Style::new().indicator('').labels(false).tick('').bar('-');
        let bar = ProgressBar::with_style(max_progress, style);

        for w in 0..=20 {
            eprintln!("\nwidth {}:", w);
            let style = Style::new().width(w);
            let bar = ProgressBar::with_style(max_progress, style);
        let w = 40;
        eprintln!("\nwidth {}:", w);
        let style = Style::new().width(w);
        let bar = ProgressBar::with_style(max_progress, style.clone());