log-once 0.4.1

Collection of helper macros for logging some events only once.
# log-once

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Collection of helper macros for logging some events only once.

This crate provide macro in the `log_once` family (`warn_once!`,
`trace_once!`, ...); that only send a logging event once for every message.
It rely and uses the logging infrastructure in the [log][log] crate; and
is fully compatible with any logger implementation.

These macro will store the already seen messages in a `BTreeSet`, and check
if a message is in the set before sending the log event.

[log]: https://crates.io/crates/log

## Usage

1) Add it to your `Cargo.toml` file:

log-once = "0.4"

2) import the macros:

use log_once::{warn_once, log_once};

3) Enjoy!

## Examples

use log::info;
use log_once::{info_once, warn_once};

pub fn shave_the_yak(yaks: &[Yak]) {
    for yak in yaks {
        info!(target: "yak_events", "Commencing yak shaving for {yak:?}");

        loop {
            match find_a_razor() {
                Ok(razor) => {
                    // This will only appear once in the logger output for each razor
                    info_once!("Razor located: {razor}");
                Err(err) => {
                    // This will only appear once in the logger output for each error
                    warn_once!("Unable to locate a razor: {err}, retrying");

## License

log-once is distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the
Apache License (Version 2.0).