locmess 1.0.0

look at the mess that are your LOC

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Do you ever wonder about the distribution of LOC lengths in your source files ?

No ?

I do so I made **LocMess**.


As an answer may bring another question, locmess tries to answer it too:


and if you have yet another question, it's probably for `git blame`.

The source code of **LocMess**, which is totally not messy, may serve as a reasonnable basis for many kinds of transplatformy CLI applications. It's small so there's not much to remove to get to the pure boilerplate.

# Installation

## With cargo

You'll need the rust toolchain, which you may find at https://rustup.rs

Then do

cargo install locmess

## From precompiled binaries

You'll find them in https://dystroy.org/locmess/download

# Usage

To compute LOC stats on all not gitignored files in the current directory, do


You may also pass a path as argument.

Other options are explained with `locmess --help`.