lockpool 3.0.1

This library offers a pool of locks where individual locks can be locked/unlocked by key
use derive_more::Display;
use std::fmt::Debug;

// TODO use the never type `!` instead of this once it is stabilized
/// A type that can never be instantiated. This can be used in a
/// `Result<T, Never>` to indicate that an operation cannot return
/// an error.
#[derive(Debug, Display)]
pub enum Never {}

impl std::error::Error for Never {}

/// Extension trait for `Result<T, Never>` that adds [infallible_unwrap()](InfallibleUnwrap::infallible_unwrap),
/// an infallible version of [unwrap()](Result::unwrap).
pub trait InfallibleUnwrap<T> {
    /// Similar to [unwrap()](Result::unwrap), but can never fail.
    /// This is only available on [Result<T, Never>] types
    /// that are used as a result of operations that cannot
    /// return an error.
    /// Calling [infallible_unwrap()](InfallibleUnwrap::infallible_unwrap) instead of [unwrap()](Result::unwrap)
    /// uses the type system to ensure that you don't
    /// accidentally unwrap a type that might contain
    /// an error.
    fn infallible_unwrap(self) -> T;

impl<T> InfallibleUnwrap<T> for std::result::Result<T, Never> {
    fn infallible_unwrap(self) -> T {

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn test_infallible_unwrap() {

        let result: Result<i64, Never> = Ok(4);
        assert_eq!(4, result.infallible_unwrap());

        let result: Result<(), Never> = Ok(());
        assert_eq!((), result.infallible_unwrap());