loadenv 0.1.1

A small, zero-dependency dotenv implementation


A simple, zero-dependency dotenv implementation for Rust.


This library exposes two similar functions. The first is loadenv::load(), which looks for a file named .env in the current directory and loads its contents into the environment. The second is loadenv::load_buf(), which takes a BufRead and loads its contents into the environment. This function can be used to load .env files from custom locations or from other data structures like &[u8].

Most of the time, load() should be enough for your program.

The existing environment is treated as truth; variables that are already set will not be overwritten unless the $ prefix is used (see the example below). Generally, you should avoid using the $ prefix and allow the developer (or the operating system itself) to overwrite the values in .env.

File Format

# Example .env file
# Comments begin with `#` and must be on their own line
# Pairs are in the form `KEY = value`
PASSWORD = k4y5FzSa9x%LA&Zy

# `=` is optional for empty values

# whitespace around `=` is optional
BOP = baz

# whitespace after `==` is preserved
FORMAT ==    A B C D  

# names beginning with '$' will overwrite the value in the environment
$PATH = /bin:/sbin:/usr/bin

A .env file consists of zero or more key-value pairs in the form KEY = value or KEY == value. Pairs in the form KEY = value are parsed as you might expect: whitespace before and after the = is ignored (including whitespace at the beginning and end of the line). Pairs in the form KEY == value denote "raw" values. In this case, every character after the == is kept, including whitespace.

In addition, the following rules apply to all lines:

  • Empty lines are ignored.
  • Lines that begin with # are comments and are ignored. Note that comments must be on their own line.
  • Whitespace before the KEY is always ignored.
  • KEY may only contain 0-9, A-Z and _.
  • KEY may be prefixed with a $.
  • value may contain any character.

A more detailed example can be found in .env in the root of this project.


Load the example .env file and print out the new environment.

fn main() {

    for (k, v) in std::env::vars() {
        println!("{} = '{}'", k, v);

Load a .env from a &str.

fn main() {
    let dotenv = "FOO=bar\nWEBSITE=https://gitlab.com\nDEBUG";

    for (k, v) in std::env::vars() {
        println!("{} = '{}'", k, v);

Running Tests

Tests must be run in single-threaded mode using cargo test -- --test-threads=1. Otherwise, testing will be unreliable because many std::env methods are not thread-safe. See this page for more info.