Crate lmdb

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Idiomatic and safe APIs for interacting with the Lightning Memory-mapped Database (LMDB).


A handle to an individual database in an environment.
Database options.
An LMDB environment.
Options for opening or creating an environment.
Environment options.
An inactive read-only transaction.
A read-only cursor for navigating the items within a database.
An LMDB read-only transaction.
A read-write cursor for navigating items within a database.
An LMDB read-write transaction.
Environment statistics.
Write options.


An LMDB error kind.
An iterator over the key/value pairs in an LMDB database.
An iterator over the keys and duplicate values in an LMDB database.


An LMDB cursor.
An LMDB transaction.

Type Definitions

An LMDB result.