llvm-alt 0.3.2

A wrapper for LLVM, a powerful library and toolkit for compilers
use libc::{c_char, c_uint};
use ffi::prelude::{LLVMBuilderRef, LLVMValueRef};
use ffi::{core, LLVMBuilder, LLVMRealPredicate, LLVMIntPredicate};
use cbox::{CSemiBox, DisposeRef};
use std::mem;
use block::BasicBlock;
use context::Context;
use ty::Type;
use value::{Function, Value, Predicate};

static NULL_NAME:[c_char; 1] = [0];

/// This provides a uniform API for creating instructions and inserting them into a basic block.
pub struct Builder;
native_ref!(&Builder = LLVMBuilderRef);
macro_rules! bin_op(
    ($name:ident, $func:ident) => (
        pub fn $name(&self, left: &Value, right: &Value) -> &Value {
            unsafe { core::$func(self.into(), left.into(), right.into(), NULL_NAME.as_ptr()) }.into()
    ($name:ident, $ifunc:ident, $ffunc:ident) => (
        pub fn $name(&self, left: &Value, right: &Value) -> &Value {
            let ty = left.get_type();
            unsafe {
                (if ty.is_integer() {
                } else {
                })(self.into(), left.into(), right.into(), NULL_NAME.as_ptr()).into()
macro_rules! un_op(
    ($name:ident, $func:ident) => (
        pub fn $name(&self, value: &Value) -> &Value {
            unsafe { core::$func(self.into(), value.into(), NULL_NAME.as_ptr() as *const c_char) }.into()
impl Builder {
    /// Create a new builder in the context given.
    pub fn new(context: &Context) -> CSemiBox<Builder> {
        CSemiBox::new(unsafe { core::LLVMCreateBuilderInContext(context.into()) }.into())
    /// Position the builder at the end of `block`.
    pub fn position_at_end(&self, block: &BasicBlock) {
        unsafe { core::LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(self.into(), block.into()) }
    /// Build an instruction that returns from the function with void.
    pub fn build_ret_void(&self) -> &Value {
        unsafe { core::LLVMBuildRetVoid(self.into()) }.into()
    /// Build an instruction that returns from the function with `value`.
    pub fn build_ret(&self, value: &Value) -> &Value {
        unsafe { core::LLVMBuildRet(self.into(), value.into()) }.into()
    /// Build an instruction that allocates an array with the element type `elem` and the size `size`.
    /// The size of this array will be the size of `elem` times `size`.
    pub fn build_array_alloca(&self, elem: &Type, size: &Value) -> &Value {
        unsafe { core::LLVMBuildArrayAlloca(self.into(), elem.into(), size.into(), NULL_NAME.as_ptr() as *const c_char) }.into()
    /// Build an instruction that allocates a pointer to fit the size of `ty` then returns this pointer.
    /// Make sure to call `build_free` with the pointer value when you're done with it, or you're
    /// gonna have a bad time.
    pub fn build_alloca(&self, ty: &Type) -> &Value {
        unsafe { core::LLVMBuildAlloca(self.into(), ty.into(), NULL_NAME.as_ptr() as *const c_char) }.into()
    /// Build an instruction that frees the `val`, which _MUST_ be a pointer that was returned
    /// from `build_alloca`.
    pub fn build_free(&self, val: &Value) -> &Value {
        unsafe { core::LLVMBuildFree(self.into(), val.into()) }.into()
    /// Build an instruction that store the value `val` in the pointer `ptr`.
    pub fn build_store(&self, val: &Value, ptr: &Value) -> &Value {
        unsafe { core::LLVMBuildStore(self.into(), val.into(), ptr.into()) }.into()
    /// Build an instruction that branches to the block `dest`.
    pub fn build_br(&self, dest: &BasicBlock) -> &Value {
        unsafe { core::LLVMBuildBr(self.into(), dest.into()).into() }
    /// Build an instruction that branches to `if_block` if `cond` evaluates to true, and `else_block` otherwise.
    pub fn build_cond_br(&self, cond: &Value, if_block: &BasicBlock, else_block: Option<&BasicBlock>) -> &Value {
        unsafe { core::LLVMBuildCondBr(self.into(), cond.into(), if_block.into(), mem::transmute(else_block)).into() }
    /// Build an instruction that calls the function `func` with the arguments `args`.
    /// This will return the return value of the function.
    pub fn build_call(&self, func: &Function, args: &[&Value]) -> &Value {
        unsafe {
            let call = core::LLVMBuildCall(self.into(), func.into(), args.as_ptr() as *mut LLVMValueRef, args.len() as c_uint, NULL_NAME.as_ptr());
            core::LLVMSetTailCall(call, 0);
    /// Build an instruction that calls the function `func` with the arguments `args`.
    /// This will return the return value of the function.
    pub fn build_tail_call(&self, func: &Function, args: &[&Value]) -> &Value {
        unsafe {
            let call = core::LLVMBuildCall(self.into(), func.into(), args.as_ptr() as *mut LLVMValueRef, args.len() as c_uint, NULL_NAME.as_ptr());
            core::LLVMSetTailCall(call, 1);
    /// Build an instruction that yields to `true_val` if `cond` is equal to `1`, and `false_val` otherwise.
    pub fn build_select(&self, cond: &Value, true_val: &Value, false_val: &Value) -> &Value {
        unsafe { core::LLVMBuildSelect(self.into(), cond.into(), true_val.into(), false_val.into(), NULL_NAME.as_ptr()).into() }
    /// Build an instruction that casts a value into a certain type.
    pub fn build_bit_cast(&self, value: &Value, dest: &Type) -> &Value {
        unsafe { core::LLVMBuildBitCast(self.into(), value.into(), dest.into(), NULL_NAME.as_ptr()).into() }
    /// Build an instruction that inserts a value into an aggregate data value.
    pub fn build_insert_value(&self, agg: &Value, elem: &Value, index: usize) -> &Value {
        unsafe { core::LLVMBuildInsertValue(self.into(), agg.into(), elem.into(), index as c_uint, NULL_NAME.as_ptr()).into() }
    /// Build an instruction that computes the address of a subelement of an aggregate data structure.
    /// Basically type-safe pointer arithmetic.
    pub fn build_gep(&self, pointer: &Value, indices: &[&Value]) -> &Value {
        unsafe { core::LLVMBuildInBoundsGEP(self.into(), pointer.into(), indices.as_ptr() as *mut LLVMValueRef, indices.len() as c_uint, NULL_NAME.as_ptr()).into() }
    /// Build an instruction that runs whichever block matches the value, or `default` if none of them matched it.
    pub fn build_switch(&self, value: &Value, default: &BasicBlock, cases: &[(&Value, &BasicBlock)]) -> &Value {
        unsafe {
            let switch = core::LLVMBuildSwitch(self.into(), value.into(), default.into(), cases.len() as c_uint);
            for case in cases {
                core::LLVMAddCase(switch, case.0.into(), case.1.into());
    un_op!{build_load, LLVMBuildLoad}
    un_op!{build_neg, LLVMBuildNeg}
    un_op!{build_not, LLVMBuildNot}
    bin_op!{build_add, LLVMBuildAdd, LLVMBuildFAdd}
    bin_op!{build_sub, LLVMBuildSub, LLVMBuildFSub}
    bin_op!{build_mul, LLVMBuildMul, LLVMBuildFMul}
    bin_op!{build_div, LLVMBuildSDiv, LLVMBuildFDiv}
    bin_op!{build_shl, LLVMBuildShl}
    bin_op!{build_ashr, LLVMBuildAShr}
    bin_op!{build_and, LLVMBuildAnd}
    bin_op!{build_or, LLVMBuildOr}
    /// Build an instruction to compare two values with the predicate given.
    pub fn build_cmp(&self, a: &Value, b: &Value, pred: Predicate) -> &Value {
        let (at, bt) = (a.get_type(), b.get_type());
        assert_eq!(at, bt);
        if at.is_integer() {
            let pred = match pred {
                Predicate::Equal => LLVMIntPredicate::LLVMIntEQ,
                Predicate::NotEqual => LLVMIntPredicate::LLVMIntNE,
                Predicate::GreaterThan => LLVMIntPredicate::LLVMIntSGT,
                Predicate::GreaterThanOrEqual => LLVMIntPredicate::LLVMIntSGE,
                Predicate::LessThan => LLVMIntPredicate::LLVMIntSLT,
                Predicate::LessThanOrEqual => LLVMIntPredicate::LLVMIntSLE
            unsafe { core::LLVMBuildICmp(self.into(), pred, a.into(), b.into(), NULL_NAME.as_ptr()) }.into()
        } else if at.is_float() {
            let pred = match pred {
                Predicate::Equal => LLVMRealPredicate::LLVMRealOEQ,
                Predicate::NotEqual => LLVMRealPredicate::LLVMRealONE,
                Predicate::GreaterThan => LLVMRealPredicate::LLVMRealOGT,
                Predicate::GreaterThanOrEqual => LLVMRealPredicate::LLVMRealOGE,
                Predicate::LessThan => LLVMRealPredicate::LLVMRealOLT,
                Predicate::LessThanOrEqual => LLVMRealPredicate::LLVMRealOLE
            unsafe { core::LLVMBuildFCmp(self.into(), pred, a.into(), b.into(), NULL_NAME.as_ptr()) }.into()
        } else {
            panic!("expected numbers, got {:?}", at)

impl DisposeRef for Builder {
    type RefTo = LLVMBuilder;
    unsafe fn dispose(ptr: LLVMBuilderRef) {