[][src]Crate llrb_index

LLRB, left-leaning-red-black, tree is memory optimized data structure for indexing sortable data. This package provides a basic implementation with following properties:

  • Each entry in LLRB instance correspond to a {Key, Value} pair.
  • Parametrised over Key type and Value type.
  • CRUD operations, via set(), get(), delete() api.
  • No Durability guarantee.
  • Not thread safe.
  • Full table scan, to iterate over all entries.
  • Range scan, to iterate between a low and high.
  • Reverse iteration.

Llrb instance and its API uses Rust's ownership model and borrow semantics to ensure thread safe operation.

Constructing a new Llrb instance:

use llrb_index::Llrb;
let llrb: Llrb<i32,i32> = Llrb::new("myinstance");
let id = llrb.id();
assert_eq!(id, "myinstance");

Constructing Llrb instance from an iterator:

use llrb_index::Llrb;
let iter = vec![(1,10), (2,20)].into_iter();
let llrb: Llrb<i32,i32> = Llrb::load_from("myinstance", iter).unwrap();

CRUD operations on Llrb instance:

use llrb_index::Llrb;
let mut llrb: Llrb<String,String> = Llrb::new("myinstance");

llrb.set("key1".to_string(), "value1".to_string());
llrb.set("key2".to_string(), "value2".to_string());

let n = llrb.count();
assert_eq!(n, 2);

let value = llrb.get("key1").unwrap();
assert_eq!(value, "value1".to_string());
let value = llrb.get("key2").unwrap();
assert_eq!(value, "value2".to_string());

let old_value = llrb.delete("key1").unwrap();
assert_eq!(old_value, "value1".to_string());

Full table scan:

use llrb_index::Llrb;
let mut llrb: Llrb<String,String> = Llrb::new("myinstance");
llrb.set("key1".to_string(), "value1".to_string());
llrb.set("key2".to_string(), "value2".to_string());

for (i, (key, value)) in llrb.iter().enumerate() {
    let refkey = format!("key{}", i+1);
    let refval = format!("value{}", i+1);
    assert_eq!(refkey, key);
    assert_eq!(refval, value);

Range scan:

use std::ops::Bound;
use llrb_index::Llrb;
let mut llrb: Llrb<String,String> = Llrb::new("myinstance");

llrb.set("key1".to_string(), "value1".to_string());
llrb.set("key2".to_string(), "value2".to_string());
llrb.set("key3".to_string(), "value3".to_string());

let low = Bound::Excluded("key1".to_string());
let high = Bound::Excluded("key2".to_string());
let item = llrb.range(low, high).next();
assert_eq!(item, None);

let low = Bound::Excluded("key1".to_string());
let high = Bound::Excluded("key3".to_string());
let item = llrb.range(low, high).next();
assert_eq!(item, Some(("key2".to_string(), "value2".to_string())));

let low = Bound::Included("key1".to_string());
let high = Bound::Included("key3".to_string());
let mut ranger = llrb.range(low, high);
let item = ranger.next();
assert_eq!(item, Some(("key1".to_string(), "value1".to_string())));
let item = ranger.last();
assert_eq!(item, Some(("key3".to_string(), "value3".to_string())));

Reverse scan:

use std::ops::Bound;
use llrb_index::Llrb;
let mut llrb: Llrb<String,String> = Llrb::new("myinstance");

llrb.set("key1".to_string(), "value1".to_string());
llrb.set("key2".to_string(), "value2".to_string());
llrb.set("key3".to_string(), "value3".to_string());

let low = Bound::Included("key1".to_string());
let high = Bound::Included("key3".to_string());
let mut iter = llrb.range(low, high).rev();
let item = iter.next();
assert_eq!(item, Some(("key3".to_string(), "value3".to_string())));
let item = iter.last();
assert_eq!(item, Some(("key1".to_string(), "value1".to_string())));



Llrb manage a single instance of in-memory index using left-leaning-red-black tree.



LlrbError enumerates over all possible errors that this package shall return.