llhd 0.4.0

A Low Level Hardware Description that acts as a foundation for building hardware design tools.

===============  ====
``void``         Nothing. E.g. if an instruction yields no result.
``metadata``     Additional information attached to various things in the assembly.
``label``        Basic block.
``time``         Simulation time.
``iN``           Integer of N bits.
``nN``           Enumerated type of N values.
``lN``           Logic type with 9 possible values ``UX01ZWLH-`` (see IEEE 1164)
``sN``           Strong logic type with 4 possible values ``01ZX`` (see IEEE 1800)
``T*``           Pointer to value of type T.
``T$``           Signal carrying a value of type T.
``[N x T]``      Array containing N elements of type T.
``{T0,T1,…}``    Struct containing fields of types T0, T1, etc.
``T (T0,T1,…)``  Function returning value T, taking arguments of type T0, T1, etc.
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===========  ====
**Global Visibility**
``@<name>``  Global name.  Visible in the symbol table of the module.
``!<name>``  Metadata name. Visible in the symbol table of the module.
**Local Visibility**
``%<name>``  Local name. Not visible beyond the scope of the module or section it is declared in.
``!<int>``   Temporary local metadata name.
``%<int>``   Temporary local name.
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=====  ====
false  Alias for ``i1 0``
true   Alias for ``i1 1``
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========  ====  ====
Mnemonic        Description
========  ====  ====
type      M     Global type alias
const     M     Global constant
func      M     Function definition
proc      M     Process definition
entity    M     Entity definition
decl      M     Function, process, or entity declaration
load      FP    Load a value from memory.
store     FP    Store a value to memory.
var       FP    Allocate memory on the stack.
alloc     FP    Allocate memory on the heap.
free      FP    Free memory on the heap.
probe     PE    Sample the value of a signal.
drive     PE    Change the value of a signal
sig       E     Allocate a new signal.
**Control Flow**
wait      P
halt      FP
br        FP
ret       F
call      FPE
inst      E
icmp      FPE   Integer comparison
lcmp      FPE   Logic comparison
and       FPE
or        FPE
xor       FPE
not       FPE
add       FPE
sub       FPE
mul       FPE
udiv      FPE
sdiv      FPE
trunc     FPE   Reduce width of integer.
ext       FPE   Increase width of integer.
insert    FPE   Change the value of an array/structure element by index.
extract   FPE   Obtain the value of an array/structure element by index.
cat       FPE   Concatenate values.
slice     FPE   Obtain a part of an integer.
**Data Flow**
mux       FPE   Select among a list of values, based on a "selection" value.
reg       E     Storage element that keeps state.
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* conversion lN to sN and back
* conversion iN to lN/sN and back
* working with time values
* choosing strong/weak drive on lN, choosing high impedance or weak
* a way to declare funcs, procs, and entities


* ``icmp [eq|ne|sgt|sge|slt|sle|ugt|uge|ult|ule]``
* ``lcmp [eq|ne]``
* ``ext [zero|sign]``