llhd-sim 0.3.0

The reference simulator for Low Level Hardware Description assembly.
// Copyright (c) 2017 Fabian Schuiki

//! The simulation builder creates the structure necessary for simulating a
//! design.

use crate::state::*;
use llhd::{
    const_zero, Argument, Context, InstanceInst, Module, SignalInst, Type, Value, ValueId, ValueRef,
use std::{collections::HashMap, sync::Mutex};

pub struct Builder<'tm> {
    module: &'tm Module,
    signals: Vec<Signal>,
    probes: HashMap<SignalRef, Vec<String>>,
    insts: Vec<Instance<'tm>>,
    scope_stack: Vec<Scope>,

impl<'tm> Builder<'tm> {
    /// Create a new builder for the given module.
    pub fn new(module: &Module) -> Builder {
        Builder {
            module: module,
            signals: Vec::new(),
            probes: HashMap::new(),
            insts: Vec::new(),
            scope_stack: Vec::new(),

    /// Allocate a new signal in the simulation and return a reference to it.
    pub fn alloc_signal(&mut self, ty: &Type, init: Option<&ValueRef>) -> SignalRef {
        let r = SignalRef::new(self.signals.len());
            init.map(|v| -> ValueRef { v.as_const().clone().into() })
                .unwrap_or_else(|| const_zero(ty)),

    /// Allocate a new signal probe in the simulation. This essentially assigns
    /// a name to a signal which is also known to the user.
    pub fn alloc_signal_probe(&mut self, signal: SignalRef, name: String) {
        self.scope_stack.last_mut().unwrap().add_probe(signal, name);

    /// Instantiate a process or entity for simulation. This recursively builds
    /// the simulation structure for all subunits as necessary.
    pub fn instantiate(
        &mut self,
        unit: &ValueRef,
        mut inputs: Vec<SignalRef>,
        outputs: Vec<SignalRef>,
    ) {
        // Create signal probes for the input and output arguments of the unit.
        let mut values: HashMap<ValueId, ValueSlot> = unit_inputs(self.module, unit)
            .chain(unit_outputs(self.module, unit).iter().zip(outputs.iter()))
            .map(|(arg, &sig)| {
                if let Some(name) = arg.name() {
                    self.alloc_signal_probe(sig, name.into());
                (arg.as_ref().into(), ValueSlot::Signal(sig))

        // Gather the process-/entity-specific information.
        let kind = match *unit {
            ValueRef::Process(r) => {
                let process = self.module.process(r);
                InstanceKind::Process {
                    prok: process,
                    next_block: process.body().blocks().next(),

            ValueRef::Entity(r) => {
                let entity = self.module.entity(r);

                // Allocate signals and instantiate subunits.
                for inst in entity.insts() {
                    match *inst.kind() {
                        SignalInst(ref ty, ref init) => {
                            let sig = self.alloc_signal(ty, init.as_ref());
                            inputs.push(sig); // entity is re-evaluated when this signal changes
                            if let Some(name) = inst.name() {
                                self.alloc_signal_probe(sig, name.into());
                            values.insert(inst.as_ref().into(), ValueSlot::Signal(sig));
                        InstanceInst(_, ref unit, ref ins, ref outs) => {
                            let ctx = llhd::ModuleContext::new(self.module);
                            self.push_scope(inst.name().unwrap_or_else(|| ctx.name(unit).unwrap()));
                            let resolve_signal =
                                |value: &ValueRef| match values[&value.id().unwrap()] {
                                    ValueSlot::Signal(sig) => sig,
                                    _ => panic!("value does not resolve to a signal"),
                        _ => (),

                InstanceKind::Entity { entity: entity }

            _ => panic!("instantiate called on non-unit value {:?}", unit),

        // Create the unit instance.
            .push(Instance::new(values, kind, inputs, outputs))

    /// Consume the builder and assemble the simulation state.
    pub fn finish(self) -> State<'tm> {
            self.insts.into_iter().map(|i| Mutex::new(i)).collect(),

    /// Push a new scope onto the stack.
    fn push_scope(&mut self, name: impl Into<String>) {

    /// Pop a scope off the stack.
    fn pop_scope(&mut self) {
        let scope = self.scope_stack.pop().unwrap();

/// Build the simulation for a module.
pub fn build(module: &Module) -> State {
    let mut builder = Builder::new(module);

    // Find the first process or entity in the module, which we will use as the
    // simulation's root unit.
    let root = module
        .find(|v| match **v {
            ValueRef::Process(_) => true,
            ValueRef::Entity(_) => true,
            _ => false,
        .expect("no process or entity found that can be simulated");

    // Allocate the input and output signals for the top-level module.
    let inputs: Vec<_> = unit_inputs(&module, root)
        .map(|arg| builder.alloc_signal(arg.ty().unwrap_signal(), None))
    let outputs: Vec<_> = unit_outputs(&module, root)
        .map(|arg| builder.alloc_signal(arg.ty().unwrap_signal(), None))

    // Instantiate the top-level module.
    builder.instantiate(root, inputs, outputs);

    // Build the simulation state.

/// Obtain a slice of the input arguments to a unit.
pub fn unit_inputs<'a>(module: &'a Module, unit: &ValueRef) -> &'a [Argument] {
    match *unit {
        ValueRef::Process(r) => module.process(r).inputs(),
        ValueRef::Entity(r) => module.entity(r).inputs(),
        _ => panic!("unit_inputs called on non-unit {:?}", unit),

/// Obtain a slice of the output arguments from a unit.
pub fn unit_outputs<'a>(module: &'a Module, unit: &ValueRef) -> &'a [Argument] {
    match *unit {
        ValueRef::Process(r) => module.process(r).outputs(),
        ValueRef::Entity(r) => module.entity(r).outputs(),
        _ => panic!("unit_outputs called on non-unit {:?}", unit),