llama 0.14.2

Friendly LLVM bindings

//! `llama` is a friendly LLVM wrapper
//! # Getting started
//! ```rust, no_run
//! use llama::*;
//! // Convenience type alias for the `sum` function.
//! //
//! // Calling this is innately `unsafe` because there's no guarantee it doesn't
//! // do `unsafe` operations internally.
//! type SumFunc = unsafe extern "C" fn(u64, u64, u64) -> u64;
//! fn compile_sum(jit: &mut Jit) -> Result<SumFunc, Error> {
//!     let i64 = Type::i64(jit.context())?;
//!     let sum_t = FuncType::new(i64, [i64, i64, i64])?;
//!     jit.declare_function("sum", sum_t, |build, f| {
//!         let params = f.params();
//!         let x = params[0];
//!         let y = params[1];
//!         let z = params[2];
//!         let sum = build.add(x, y, "sum")?;
//!         let sum = build.add(sum, z, "sum")?;
//!         build.ret(sum)
//!     })?;
//!     unsafe { jit.engine().function("sum") }
//! }
//! fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
//!     let mut jit = Jit::new("sum", None)?;
//!     let sum = compile_sum(&mut jit)?;
//!     let x = 1u64;
//!     let y = 2u64;
//!     let z = 3u64;
//!     unsafe {
//!         println!("{} + {} + {} = {}", x, y, z, sum(x, y, z));
//!         assert_eq!(sum(x, y, z), x + y + z);
//!     }
//!     Ok(())
//! }
//! ```

macro_rules! cstr {
    ($x:expr) => {
        std::ffi::CString::new($x).expect("Invalid C string")

macro_rules! llvm_inner_impl {
    ($t:ty, $u:ty) => {
        impl<'a> LLVM<$u> for $t {
            fn llvm(&self) -> *mut $u {

macro_rules! const_func {
    ($x:ident($(& $amp:ident$(,)?)? $($n:ident : $t:ty),*$(,)?) $b:block) => {
        pub fn $x<'b>($($amp,)? $($n : $t),*) -> Result<Const<'b>, Error> {
            unsafe {

macro_rules! instr {
    ($x:ident($(&$amp:ident$(,)?)? $($n:ident : $t:ty),*$(,)?) $b:block) => {
        pub fn $x<'b>($(& $amp,)? $($n : $t),*) -> Result<Instr<'b>, Error> {
            unsafe {

    ($ret:ident: $x:ident($(&$amp:ident$(,)?)? $($n:ident : $t:ty),*$(,)?) $b:block) => {
        pub fn $x<'b>($(& $amp,)? $($n : $t),*) -> Result<$ret<'b>, Error> {
            unsafe {

extern "C" {
    fn strlen(_: *const std::os::raw::c_char) -> usize;

mod attribute;
mod basic_block;
mod binary;
mod builder;
mod codegen;
mod r#const;
mod context;
mod error;
mod execution_engine;
mod instr;
mod jit;
mod memory_buffer;
mod message;
mod metadata;
mod module;
mod pass_manager;
mod target;
mod r#type;
mod value;

pub(crate) use std::ffi::c_void;
pub(crate) use std::marker::PhantomData;
pub(crate) use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_int, c_uint};
pub(crate) use std::ptr::NonNull;

/// Re-export `llvm_sys` to provide access to any missing functionality
pub use llvm_sys as llvm;

pub use crate::attribute::Attribute;
pub use crate::basic_block::BasicBlock;
pub use crate::binary::Binary;
pub use crate::builder::Builder;
pub use crate::codegen::Codegen;
pub use crate::context::Context;
pub use crate::error::Error;
pub use crate::execution_engine::ExecutionEngine;
pub use crate::instr::*;
pub use crate::jit::Jit;
pub use crate::memory_buffer::MemoryBuffer;
pub use crate::message::Message;
pub use crate::metadata::Metadata;
pub use crate::module::Module;
pub use crate::pass_manager::{
    transforms, FuncPassManager, ModulePassManager, PassManager, Transform,
pub use crate::r#const::Const;
pub use crate::r#type::{FuncType, StructType, Type, TypeKind};
pub use crate::target::{Target, TargetData, TargetMachine};
pub use crate::value::{AttributeIndex, Func, Value, ValueKind};

pub use llvm::{
    object::LLVMBinaryType as BinaryType,
    target::LLVMByteOrdering as ByteOrder,
        LLVMCodeGenOptLevel as CodeGenOptLevel, LLVMCodeModel as CodeModel,
        LLVMRelocMode as RelocMode,
    LLVMAtomicOrdering as AtomicOrdering, LLVMAtomicRMWBinOp as AtomicRMWBinOp,
    LLVMCallConv as CallConv, LLVMDiagnosticSeverity as DiagnosticSeverity,
    LLVMInlineAsmDialect as InlineAsmDialect, LLVMIntPredicate as Icmp, LLVMLinkage as Linkage,
    LLVMModuleFlagBehavior as ModuleFlagBehavior, LLVMOpcode as OpCode, LLVMRealPredicate as Fcmp,
    LLVMThreadLocalMode as ThreadLocalMode, LLVMUnnamedAddr as UnnamedAddr,
    LLVMVisibility as Visibility,

/// Allows for llama types to be converted into LLVM pointers
pub trait LLVM<T> {
    /// Return a LLVM pointer
    fn llvm(&self) -> *mut T;

pub(crate) fn wrap_inner<T>(x: *mut T) -> Result<NonNull<T>, Error> {
    match NonNull::new(x) {
        Some(x) => Ok(x),
        None => Err(Error::NullPointer),

/// Load a shared library
pub fn load_library(filename: impl AsRef<std::path::Path>) -> bool {
    let filename = cstr!(filename
        .expect("Invalid filename in call to load_library"));
    unsafe { llvm::support::LLVMLoadLibraryPermanently(filename.as_ptr()) == 0 }

/// Add a symbol
pub fn add_symbol<T>(name: impl AsRef<str>, x: *mut T) {
    let name = cstr!(name.as_ref());
    unsafe { llvm::support::LLVMAddSymbol(name.as_ptr(), x as *mut c_void) }

/// Add symbols to the global namespace
/// There are a few ways to use this macro:
/// 1) `symbol!(foo, bar)`: adds symbols for `foo` and `bar` in the local namespace, this
///    is particularly useful for adding symbols for C functions
/// 2) `symbol!(foo: something::my_foo)`: adds a symbol for `foo` which maps to the rust function
///    `something::my_foo`
macro_rules! symbol {
    ($($name:ident),*) => {
            $crate::add_symbol(stringify!($name), $name as *mut std::ffi::c_void);

    ($($name:ident : $path:path),*) => {
            $crate::add_symbol(stringify!($name), $path as *mut std::ffi::c_void);

/// Get the default target triple
pub fn default_target_triple() -> &'static str {
    unsafe {
        let ptr = llvm::target_machine::LLVMGetDefaultTargetTriple();
        let slice = std::slice::from_raw_parts(ptr as *const u8, strlen(ptr));

mod tests;