lithos 0.14.3

A containerization framework for linux

:Status: beta

Lithos is a process supervisor and containerizer for running services. Lithos
is not intended to be system init. But rather tries to be a base tool to build
container orchestration.


* use linux namespaces and cgroups for containerization
* immediate restart of failing processes (with rate limit of course)
* in-place upgrade of lithos without touching child processes
* written in Rust so memory-safe and has zero runtime dependencies

It's designed to have absolutely minimal required functionality. In particular
it doesn't include:

* an image downloader (``rsync`` is super-cool) or builder (use any tool)
* any network API

Running Examples

Testing it in vagrant::

    vagrant up && vagrant ssh

In vagrant shell::

    $ ./
    $ sudo lithos_tree

If you want to change containers, sources or configs of this test vagrant
deployment just rerun ``./``.

(Note: in this test deployment lithos doesn't properly reload configs, because
images does not version properly. Just restart `lithos_tree` to apply the