literal_cstr 0.1.1

A macro that makes it easier to create literal C strings

Literal C String

Build Status

A procedural macro for making literal C strings.


I was tired of typing the following:

let s = CString::new("Hello, world!").unwrap();

Ideally, I would be able to do something similar to the syntax of a byte string c"Hello, world!" but that requires a language change.


I decided to create a macro that is close enough.

let s = c!("Hello, world!");


Currently requires a nightly build of rust. Use rustc 1.31.0-nightly (4efdc04a5 2018-10-06) or newer.

literal_cstr = "0.1"

extern crate literal_cstr;

use literal_cstr::c;

Procedural macros are stable, but #![feature(proc_macro_hygiene)] is required in order to use the macro with a literal string expression.


let s = c!("Hello, world!");

Check out /examples/ for a full example.


$ cargo test


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