Crate lis

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An implementation of the Longest increasing subsequence algorithm.


The main trait exposed by this crate is LisExt, which is implemented for, inter alia, arrays:

use lis::LisExt;
assert_eq!([2, 1, 4, 3, 5].longest_increasing_subsequence(), [1, 3, 4]);

Diffing two lists can be done with diff_by_key:

use lis::{diff_by_key, DiffAction};
use std::ops::{Generator, GeneratorState};
let mut generator = diff_by_key(1..2, 1..3, |x| x);
assert_eq!(unsafe { generator.resume() }, GeneratorState::Yielded(DiffAction::Unchanged(1, 1)));
assert_eq!(unsafe { generator.resume() }, GeneratorState::Yielded(DiffAction::Insert(2)));
assert_eq!(unsafe { generator.resume() }, GeneratorState::Complete(()));


A fragment of a diff.


Extends AsRef<[T]> with methods for generating longest increasing subsequences.


Computes the difference between the two iterators with a key extraction function.