Module liquid::partials

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§Using partials

To use {% include %} or {% render %} tags in a template, you first need to compile these included files as template partials.


# common.liquid
Number: {{ i }}
use liquid::ParserBuilder;
use liquid::partials::{EagerCompiler, InMemorySource, PartialSource};

// Build template partials using an eager, in-memory source compiler.
// Other compilation policies also exist depending on specific needs.
type Partials = EagerCompiler<InMemorySource>;

let partials = {
  let mut partials = Partials::empty();

  let filepath = String::from("common.liquid");
  //let contents = std::fs::read_to_string(&filepath).unwrap();
  let contents = "Number: {{ i }}";

  partials.add(filepath, contents);

// Compile and render the main template, which uses the "common" partial.
let parser = ParserBuilder::with_stdlib().partials(partials).build().unwrap();
let rendered = {
    let mut globals = liquid::object!({ "num": 42 });
        .parse("Liquid! {% render \"common\", i: num %}").unwrap()

assert_eq!(rendered, "Liquid! Number: 42");

