Module liquid::compiler

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Describes the optional trailing part of a block split.
Include files relative to the root.
Include no files



A trait for creating custom custom block-size tags ({% if something %}{% endif %}). This is a simple type alias for a function.
A trait for creating custom tags. This is a simple type alias for a function.


Extracts a token from the token stream that can be used to express a value. For our purposes, this is either a string literal, number literal or an identifier that might refer to a variable.
Confirm that the next token in a token stream is what you want it to be. The token iterator is moved to the next token in the stream.
Parses the provided elements into a number of Renderable items This is the internal version of parse that accepts Elements tokenized by lexer::tokenize and does not register built-in blocks. The main use for this function is for writing custom blocks.
Creates an FilterChain, a wrapper around values, variables and filters used internally, from a list of Tokens. This is mostly useful for correctly parsing complex expressions with filters.
A sub-block aware splitter that will only split the token stream when it finds a delimter at the top level of the token stream, ignoring any it finds in nested blocks.
Recognises a value token, returning an error if a non-value token is presented.

Type Definitions