liquid 0.13.4

The liquid templating language for Rust
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[Liquid templating]( for Rust


To include liquid in your project add the following to your Cargo.toml:

liquid = "0.13"

Now you can use the crate in your code
extern crate liquid;

let template = liquid::ParserBuilder::with_liquid()
    .parse("Liquid! {{num | minus: 2}}").unwrap();

let mut globals = liquid::Object::new();
globals.insert("num".to_owned(), liquid::Value::Num(4f32));

let output = template.render(&globals).unwrap();
assert_eq!(output, "Liquid! 2".to_string());

You can find a reference on Liquid syntax [here](

Cache block ( File and Redis ) :

Extending Liquid

### Create your own filters

Creating your own filters is very easy. Filters are simply functions or
closures that take an input `Value` and a `Vec<Value>` of optional arguments
and return a `Value` to be rendered or consumed by chained filters.

for what a filter implementation looks like.  You can then register it by
calling `liquid::ParserBuilder::filter`.

### Create your own tags

Tags are made up of two parts, the initialization and the rendering.

Initialization happens when the parser hits a Liquid tag that has your
designated name. You will have to specify a function or closure that will
then return a `Renderable` object to do the rendering.

for what a tag implementation looks like.  You can then register it by calling `liquid::ParserBuilder::tag`.

### Create your own tag blocks

Blocks work very similar to Tags. The only difference is that blocks contain other
markup, which is why block initialization functions take another argument, a list
of `Element`s that are inside the specified block.

for what a block implementation looks like.  You can then register it by
calling `liquid::ParserBuilder::block`.



Skeptic template:
extern crate skeptic; extern crate liquid; fn main() {{ {} }}
