lipsum 0.1.0

Lipsum is a lorem ipsum text generation library. Use this if you need some filler text for your application.

Lorem Ipsum

This is small Rust library for generating traditional mangled-Latin lorem ipsum filler text for your application.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

lipsum = "0.1"

and this to your crate root:

extern crate lipsum;


Please see the API documentation.

Getting Started

Use the lipsum function to generate lorem ipsum text:

extern crate lipsum;

use lipsum::lipsum;

fn main() {
    // Print 25 random words of lorem ipsum text.
    println!("{}", lipsum(25));

The text will start with "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, …" and will become random after 18 words. The text is generated using a Markov chain which is trained on the full text of Cicero's work De finibus bonorum et malorum ("On the ends of good and evil"). The classic lorem ipsum text is derived from part of that book.

Release History

Version 0.1.0 — July 2nd, 2017

First public release.


Lipsum can be distributed according to the MIT license. Contributions will be accepted under the same license.