linuxcnc-hal 0.1.2

A safe, high level interface to LinuxCNC's HAL submodule

LinuxCNC HAL interface for Rust

CircleCI Liberapay

A safe, high-level interface to LinuxCNC's HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) module.

For lower level, unsafe use, see the linuxcnc-hal-sys crate.

cargo add linuxcnc-hal

Please consider becoming a sponsor so I may continue to maintain this crate in my spare time!



More examples can be found in the examples/ folder.

use linuxcnc_hal::{hal_pin::HalPinF64, HalComponentBuilder};
use std::{
    time::{Duration, Instant},

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    // Create a new HAL component called `empty`
    let mut builder = HalComponentBuilder::new("pins")?;

    let input_1 = builder.register_input_pin::<HalPinF64>("input-1")?;

    let output_1 = builder.register_output_pin::<HalPinF64>("output-1")?;

    // All pins added, component is now ready. This consumes the builder and registers signal
    // handlers.
    let comp = builder.ready()?;

    let start = Instant::now();

    // Main control loop
    while !comp.should_exit() {
        let time = start.elapsed().as_secs() as i32;

        // Set output pin to elapsed seconds since component started

        // Print the current value of the input pin
        println!("Input: {:?}", input_1.value());

        // Sleep for 1000ms. This should be a lower time if the component needs to update more
        // frequently.

    // The custom implementation of `Drop` for `HalComponent` ensures that `hal_exit()` is called
    // at this point. Registered signal handlers are also deregistered.




bindgen must be set up correctly for linuxcnc-hal-sys to work correctly. Follow the requirements section of its docs.

To run and debug any HAL components, the LinuxCNC simulator can be set up. There's a guide here for Linux Mint (and other Debian derivatives).


cargo build

You can also run ./ to run all the commands that would normally be run in CI.


cargo test

Build docs

The docs make heavy use of intra-rustdoc-links. To get the links to render correctly, run with nightly:

rustup toolchain add nightly
cargo +nightly doc


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