linuxcnc-hal-sys 0.1.7

Generated, unsafe Rust bindings to the LinuxCNC HAL submodule

LinuxCNC HAL Rust bindings

CircleCI Liberapay

Provides unsafe, non-realtime Rust bindings for the LinuxCNC hal module. Useful for writing drivers for external hardware.

For a safe, high-level interface see the linuxcnc-hal crate.

cargo add linuxcnc-hal-sys

Please consider becoming a sponsor so I may continue to maintain this crate in my spare time!

Binding versions

This crate LinuxCNC version
v0.1.7 v2.7.15
v0.1.6 v2.7.15



More examples can be found in the examples/ folder.

use linuxcnc_hal_sys::*;
use signal_hook::iterator::Signals;
use std::{ffi::CString, mem, thread, time::Duration};

unsafe {
    let ret = hal_init(CString::new("pins").unwrap().as_ptr() as *const i8);

    // Check that component was created successfully
    let component_id = match ret {
        x if x == -(EINVAL as i32) => panic!("Failed to initialise component"),
        x if x == -(ENOMEM as i32) => panic!("Not enough memory to initialise component"),
        id if id > 0 => id,
        code => unreachable!("Hit unreachable error code {}", code),

    println!("Component registered with ID {}", component_id);

    let signals = Signals::new(&[signal_hook::SIGTERM, signal_hook::SIGINT]).unwrap();

    let storage = hal_malloc(mem::size_of::<*mut f64>() as i64) as *mut *mut f64;

    if storage.is_null() {
        panic!("Failed to allocate storage");

    let pin_name = CString::new("pins.input-1").unwrap();

    let ret = hal_pin_float_new(
        pin_name.as_ptr() as *const i8,

    // Check that pin was registered successfully
    match ret {
        0 => println!("Pin registered successfully"),
        x if x == -(EINVAL as i32) => panic!("Failed to register pin"),
        x if x == -(EPERM as i32) => {
            panic!("HAL is locked. Register pins before calling hal_ready()`")
        x if x == -(ENOMEM as i32) => panic!("Failed to register pin"),
        code => unreachable!("Hit unreachable error code {}", code),

    let ret = hal_ready(component_id);

    // Check that component is ready
    match ret {
        0 => println!("Component is ready"),
        x if x == -(EINVAL as i32) => panic!("HAL component was not found or is already ready"),
        code => unreachable!("Hit unreachable error code {}", code),

    while !signals.pending().any(|signal| match signal {
        signal_hook::SIGTERM | signal_hook::SIGINT | signal_hook::SIGKILL => true,
        _ => false,
    }) {
        println!("Input {:?}", **storage);




bindgen must be set up correctly. Follow the requirements section of its docs.

To run and debug any HAL components, the LinuxCNC simulator can be set up. There's a guide here for Linux Mint (and other Debian derivatives).


cargo build

You can also run ./ to run all the commands that would normally be run in CI.


cargo test

Build docs

The docs make heavy use of intra-rustdoc-links. To get the links to render correctly, run with nightly:

rustup toolchain add nightly
cargo +nightly doc


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