linurgy 0.5.0

Manipulate the output of multiple newlines. Replace/Insert/Append newlines with text. Input and output from stdio/files/buffers.
# linurgy

[![Rust CI](](

Rust library to manipulate multiple newlines.

Create a new `String` with your edited text, or use buffers to pipe input and output into the
`Editor`. This library has no additional dependencies.

## Using linurgy

Build a reusable `Editor` with one of the convenient `factory` functions. Use the `edit` method to
create a new `String`.

use linurgy::factory;

// appends an underscore "_" every 2 newlines "\n\n" => "\n\n_"
let editor = factory::appender("_", 2);
let output = editor.edit("foo\n\n");
assert_eq!("foo\n\n_", output);

Manipulate `stdin` into `stdout` by using the `edit_buffered` method. This also works on files,
`Cursor`s, or anything else that implements

use linurgy::factory;
use std::io::{BufReader, Result, stdin, stdout};

// doubles every newline "\n" => "\n\n"
let editor = factory::appender("\n", 1);
// create a buffer over stdin
let mut input = BufReader::new(stdin());
// pipe input into editor and output to stdout
editor.edit_buffered(&mut input, &mut stdout())?;

Work with LF `\n` or CRLF `\r\n` line-endings. There are `factory` functions for CRLF inputs.

use linurgy::factory;

// inserts a "*" before 2 newlines "\r\n\r\n" => "*\r\n\r\n"
let editor = factory::inserter_crlf("*", 2);
let output = editor.edit("foo\r\nbar\r\n\r\n");
// notice there is only an asterisk before the double newline
assert_eq!("foo\r\nbar*\r\n\r\n", output);

[More examples](examples/)

## License

Linurgy is distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the
Apache License (Version 2.0).