linkle 0.2.11

Nintendo file format manipulation library and tools.
[![MIT license](](
[![Apache 2 license](](

# Introduction

This program permits to convert or create various formats used on the Nintendo Switch.
For now, it only supports the creation of PFS0/NSP and 64 bits NRO/NSO. It can also
be used with cargo through `cargo nro` to simplify the build process of Megaton-Hammer

# Installation

## Source Installation

Assuming you have `cargo` installed, `cargo install --features=binaries linkle`
will install `linkle` and the `cargo nro` subcommand.

## Binary Installation

Alternatively, you can download the `linkle` binary for Windows, MacOS and Linux
ARM64 in the [Github Releases](

# Usage

Creating a NRO file:

    linkle nro input.elf output.nro

Creating a NSO file:

    linkle nso input.elf output.nso

Creating a PFS0/NSP file:

    linkle pfs0 input_directory output.pfs0

Creating a NACP file:

    linkle ncap input.json output.nacp

Creating a RomFs file:

    linkle romfs input_directory output.romfs

Compiling and creating an NRO file (requires xargo, use `cargo install xargo` to install):

    cargo nro

# Cargo.toml metadata format

When compiling a project with `cargo nro`, a special `[package.metadata.linkle.BINARY_NAME]` key is
used to allow customizing the build. This is an example Cargo.toml:

name = "link"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["linkle"]

romfs = "res/"
icon = "icon.jpeg"
titleid = "0100000000819"

name = "Link"

"name": "リンク",
"author": "リンクル"

All paths are relative to the project root (where the Cargo.toml file is located).

Every field has a sane default:

| Field             | Description                                      | Default value       |
| ----------------- |:------------------------------------------------:| -------------------:|
| romfs             | The application romfs directory.                 | res/                |
| icon              | The application icon.                            | icon.jpg            |
| title_id          | The application title id.                        | 0000000000000000    |

The `[package.metadata.linkle.BINARY_NAME.nacp]` key follows the [NACP input format](#nacp-input-format)

# NACP input format

This is an example of a compatible JSON:

    "name": "Link",
    "author": "Linkle",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "title_id": "0400000000020000",
    "lang": {
        "ja": {
            "name": "リンク",
            "author": "リンクル"

## Fields

NOTE: Every fields are optional

| Field             | Description                                      | Default value       |
| ----------------- |:------------------------------------------------:| -------------------:|
| name              | The application name.                            | Unknown Application |
| author            | The application author.                          | Unknown Author      |
| version           | The application version.                         | 1.0.0               |
| title_id          | The application title id.                        | 0000000000000000    |
| dlc_base_title_id | The base id of all the title DLC.                | title_id + 0x1000   |
| lang (object)     | Different name/author depending of the language  | use name and author |

| Supported Languages|
| en-US              |
| en-GB              |
| ja                 |
| fr                 |
| de                 |
| es-419             |
| es                 |
| it                 |
| nl                 |
| fr-CA              |
| pt                 |
| ru                 |
| ko                 |
| zh-TW              |
| zh-CN              |