linfa-trees 0.7.0

A collection of tree-based algorithms
name = "linfa-trees"
version = "0.7.0"
edition = "2018"
authors = ["Moss Ebeling <>"]
description = "A collection of tree-based algorithms"
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"

repository = ""
readme = ""

keywords = ["machine-learning", "linfa", "trees", "supervised"]
categories = ["algorithms", "mathematics", "science"]

default = []
serde = ["serde_crate", "ndarray/serde"]

package = "serde"
optional = true
version = "1.0"
default-features = false
features = ["std", "derive"]

ndarray = { version = "0.15" , features = ["rayon", "approx"]}
ndarray-rand = "0.14"

linfa = { version = "0.7.0", path = "../.." }

rand = { version = "0.8", features = ["small_rng"] }
criterion = "0.4.0"
approx = "0.4"
linfa-datasets = { version = "0.7.0", path = "../../datasets/", features = ["iris"] }
linfa = { version = "0.7.0", path = "../..", features = ["benchmarks"] }

name = "decision_tree"
harness = false