linestring 0.0.2

Work in progress
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# Work in progress

Anything in this API ~~may~~ *will* change without notice.

This crate will contain data structures and methods that deals with lines in 2d and 3d geometry.

There will be 3d and 2d implementations of:
* Line, a finite two-point struct
* LineString, a sequence of points
* [Ramer–Douglas-Peucker]–Douglas–Peucker_algorithm and [Visvalingam-Whyatt]–Whyatt_algorithm line simplification algorithms.
* Aabb [axis aligned bounding box]
* Maybe [2d line intersection]

This will be implemented (feature gated) for [cgmath](, 
[nalgebra]( and a limited version for [mint]( (no transformations etc).
More implementations could be added if required.

Cargo.toml usage:
linestring = {version = "^0.0.2", features = ["impl-cgmath"]}

linestring = {version = "^0.0.2", features = ["impl-nalgebra"]}

linestring = {version = "^0.0.2", features = ["impl-mint"]}