liner 0.4.0

A library offering readline-like functionality.
# liner
A Rust library offering readline-like functionality.


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## Featues
- [x] Autosuggestions
- [x] Emacs and Vi keybindings
- [x] Multi-line editing
- [x] History
- [x] Incomplete basic and filename completions
- [ ] Reverse search
- [ ] Remappable keybindings

## Basic Usage
In `Cargo.toml`:
liner = "0.4.*"

In `src/`:

extern crate liner;

use liner::Context;

fn main() {
    let mut con = Context::new();

    loop {
        let res = con.read_line("[prompt]$ ", &mut |_| {}).unwrap();

        if res.is_empty() {


**See src/ for a more sophisticated example.**

## License
MIT licensed. See the `LICENSE` file.