lineartree 0.1.1

A simple tree data structure for rust
# lineartree

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A simple and easy-to-use tree data structure for rust.

This crate implements trees using a single vector to hold all nodes, hence the name.
Basically it's a `Vec<Node<T>>`, where each `Node<T>` has indices of parents and children.

On top of that, there's some convenience functions to iterate depth-first and breadth-first
across nodes, find children, and so on.

## Quick Start

### Tree creation

use lineartree::{Tree, NodeRef};

/* This builds the following tree
 *        "/"
 *       /   \
 *   etc     usr
 *          /   \
 *        bin   lib
let mut tree = Tree::new();

// Trees usually have a root node
let fs_root = tree.root("/")?;

// Using .root() or .node() return a NodeRef object
// which can be later used to identify and manipulate
// node values.
let usr = tree.node("usr");
tree.append_child(fs_root, usr)?;

// Add multiple children at once
let bin = tree.node("bin");
let lib = tree.node("lib");
tree.append_children(usr, &[bin, lib])?;

// You can also add nodes to a parent in a single go
let etc = tree.child_node(fs_root, "etc")?;

### Getting, changing and removing nodes

// Get node values (this is O(1))
assert_eq!(tree.get(lib), Some(&"lib"));
assert_eq!(tree.get(lib), Some(&"lib"));
assert_eq!(tree.get_mut(lib), Some(&mut "lib"));

// Remove node, this won't resize the underlying Vec
// because otherwise node references will be invalidated.

### Getting number of nodes

// .len() is also O(1)
assert_eq!(tree.len(), 4);

### Traverse tree
// Here are the basic hierarchical operators
assert_eq!(tree.get_parent(usr)?, Some(fs_root));
    vec![bin, lib],

// Iterate depth first over a node children.
// Use .depth_first() to iterate the entire tree.
for node in tree.depth_first_of(usr)? {
    // ...

## Documentation

 - [API docs]