lindera-ipadic-builder 0.2.0

A Japanese dictionary builder based on IPADIC for Lindera.

Lindera IPADIC Builder

License: MIT Join the chat at

A Japanese dictionary builder based on IPADIC for Lindera. This project fork from fulmicoton's kuromoji-rs.

Building Lindera IPADIC Builder


The following products are required to build Lindera-IPADIC CLI:

  • Rust >= 1.39.0
  • make >= 3.81

Building a command-line interface and a dictionary

Building a dictionary with the following command:

$ make lindera-ipadic

Dictionary version

This repository contains mecab-ipadic-2.7.0-20070801.

Installing Lindera IPADIC

$ cargo install lindera-ipadic


This section describes how to use the command line interface.

Show help with the following command::

$ ./bin/lindera-ipadic -h

Building a dictionary with lindera-ipadic command:

$ ./bin/lindera-ipadic ./mecab-ipadic ./lindera-ipadic