lindera-cc-cedict-builder 0.13.4

A Chinese morphological dictionary builder for CC-CEDICT.

Lindera CC-CEDICT Builder

License: MIT Join the chat at

CC-CEDICT dictionary builder for Lindera.


% cargo install lindera-cc-cedict-builder


The following products are required to build:

  • Rust >= 1.46.0
% cargo build --release

Build small binary

You can reduce the size of the dictionary by using the "compress" feature flag.
Instead, it can only be used with Lindera, which supports compression.

This repo example is this.

% cargo build --release --features compress

It also depends on liblzma to compress the dictionary. Please install the dependent packages as follows:

% sudo apt install liblzma-dev

Building a dictionary

Downloading a dictionary source from CC-CEDICT-MeCab:

% curl -L -o /tmp/
% unzip /tmp/ -d /tmp
% lindera-cc-cedict-builder -s /tmp/CC-CEDICT-MeCab-master -d /tmp/lindera-cc-cedict

Dictionary format

Tokenizing text using produced dictionary

You can tokenize text using produced dictionary with lindera command:

% echo "它可以进行日语和汉语的语态分析" | lindera -d /tmp/lindera-cc-cedict
它      *,*,*,*,ta1,它,它,it/
可以    *,*,*,*,ke3 yi3,可以,可以,can/may/possible/able to/not bad/pretty good/
进行    *,*,*,*,jin4 xing2,進行,进行,to advance/to conduct/underway/in progress/to do/to carry out/to carry on/to execute/
日语    *,*,*,*,Ri4 yu3,日語,日语,Japanese language/
和      *,*,*,*,he2,龢,和,old variant of 和[he2]/harmonious/
汉语    *,*,*,*,Han4 yu3,漢語,汉语,Chinese language/CL:門|门[men2]/
的      *,*,*,*,di4,的,的,aim/clear/
语态    *,*,*,*,yu3 tai4,語態,语态,voice (grammar)/
分析    *,*,*,*,fen1 xi1,分析,分析,to analyze/analysis/CL:個|个[ge4]/

For more details about lindera command, please refer to the following URL:

API reference

The API reference is available. Please see following URL:

  • lindera-cc-cedict-builder