limitador 0.1.2

Rate limiter.

Limitador is a generic rate-limiter.

Basic operation

Limitador can store the limits in memory or in Redis. Storing them in memory is faster, but the limits cannot be shared between several instances of Limitador. Storing the limits in Redis is slower, but they can be shared between instances.

By default, the rate limiter is configured to store the limits in memory:

use limitador::RateLimiter;
let rate_limiter = RateLimiter::default();

To use Redis:

use limitador::RateLimiter;
use limitador::storage::redis::RedisStorage;

// Default redis URL (redis://localhost:6379).
let rate_limiter = RateLimiter::new_with_storage(Box::new(RedisStorage::default()));

// Custom redis URL
let rate_limiter = RateLimiter::new_with_storage(


The definition of a limit includes:

  • A namespace that identifies the resource to limit. It could be an API, a Kubernetes service, a proxy ID, etc.
  • A value.
  • The length of the period in seconds.
  • Conditions that define when to apply the limit.
  • A set of variables. For example, if we need to define the same limit for each "user_id", instead of creating a limit for each hardcoded ID, we just need to define "user_id" as a variable.

If we used Limitador in a context where it receives an HTTP request we could define a limit like this to allow 10 requests per minute and per user_id when the HTTP method is "GET".

use limitador::limit::Limit;
let limit = Limit::new(
vec!["req.method == GET"],

Notice that the keys and variables are generic, so they do not necessarily have to refer to an HTTP request.

Manage limits

use limitador::RateLimiter;
use limitador::limit::Limit;
let limit = Limit::new(
vec!["req.method == GET"],
let mut rate_limiter = RateLimiter::default();

// Add a limit

// Delete the limit

// Get all the limits in a namespace

// Delete all the limits in a namespace

Apply limits

use limitador::RateLimiter;
use limitador::limit::Limit;
use std::collections::HashMap;

let mut rate_limiter = RateLimiter::default();

let limit = Limit::new(
vec!["req.method == GET"],

// We've defined a limit of 2. So we can report 2 times before being
// rate-limited
let mut values_to_report: HashMap<String, String> = HashMap::new();
values_to_report.insert("req.method".to_string(), "GET".to_string());
values_to_report.insert("user_id".to_string(), "1".to_string());

// Check if we can report
assert!(!rate_limiter.is_rate_limited("my_namespace", &values_to_report, 1).unwrap());

// Report
rate_limiter.update_counters("my_namespace", &values_to_report, 1).unwrap();

// Check and report again
assert!(!rate_limiter.is_rate_limited("my_namespace", &values_to_report, 1).unwrap());
rate_limiter.update_counters("my_namespace", &values_to_report, 1).unwrap();

// We've already reported 2, so reporting another one should not be allowed
assert!(rate_limiter.is_rate_limited("my_namespace", &values_to_report, 1).unwrap());

// You can also check and report if not limited in a single call. It's useful
// for example, when calling Limitador from a proxy. Instead of doing 2
// separate calls, we can issue just one:
rate_limiter.check_rate_limited_and_update("my_namespace", &values_to_report, 1).unwrap();