lillinput-cli 0.3.0

Application for connecting libinput gestures to i3 and others
//! Arguments and utils for the `lillinput` binary.

use lillinput::actions::ActionType;
use lillinput::events::ActionEvent;

use clap::error::ErrorKind;
use clap::Parser;
use clap_verbosity_flag::{InfoLevel, Verbosity};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::fmt;
use std::str::FromStr;
use strum::VariantNames;

/// Representation of an action.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Deserialize, Serialize)]
#[serde(try_from = "String")]
#[serde(into = "String")]
pub struct StringifiedAction {
    /// Action type.
    pub type_: String,
    /// Action command.
    pub command: String,

impl StringifiedAction {
    /// Return a new [`StringifiedAction`].
    pub fn new(type_: &str, command: &str) -> Self {
        Self {
            type_: type_.to_string(),
            command: command.to_string(),

/// Convert a [`StringifiedAction`] into a [`String`].
/// The [`Into`] trait is implemented manually instead of [`From`], as the
/// conversion in one direction can fail - and as serde serialization derive
/// does not provide of specifying `try_into` currently.
impl Into<String> for StringifiedAction {
    fn into(self) -> String {
        format!("{}", self)

impl TryFrom<String> for StringifiedAction {
    type Error = clap::Error;

    fn try_from(value: String) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {

impl FromStr for StringifiedAction {
    type Err = clap::Error;

    /// Return a [`StringifiedAction`] from a `str`.
    /// A string that specifies an action must conform to the following format:
    /// * `{action choice}:{value}`.
    fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
        match s.split_once(':') {
            None | Some((_, "") | ("", _)) => Err(clap::Error::raw(
                "The value does not conform to the action string pattern `{type}:{command}`",
            Some((action_type, action_command)) => {
                if ActionType::VARIANTS.iter().any(|s| s == &action_type) {
                    Ok(Self {
                        type_: action_type.into(),
                        command: action_command.into(),
                } else {
                            "The value does not start with a valid action ({:?})",

impl fmt::Display for StringifiedAction {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{}:{}", self.type_, self.command)

/// Connect libinput gestures to i3 and others.
#[derive(Parser, Debug, Clone)]
#[clap(version = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"), author = env!("CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS"))]
pub struct Opts {
    /// Configuration file.
    #[clap(short, long)]
    pub config_file: Option<String>,
    /// Level of verbosity (additive, can be used up to 3 times)
    pub verbose: Verbosity<InfoLevel>,
    /// libinput seat
    #[clap(short, long)]
    pub seat: Option<String>,
    /// enabled action types
    #[clap(short, long, possible_values = ActionType::VARIANTS)]
    pub enabled_action_types: Option<Vec<String>>,
    /// minimum threshold for displacement changes
    #[clap(short, long)]
    pub threshold: Option<f64>,
    /// actions for the "three-finger swipe left" event
    pub three_finger_swipe_left: Option<Vec<StringifiedAction>>,
    /// actions for the "three-finger swipe left-up" event
    pub three_finger_swipe_left_up: Option<Vec<StringifiedAction>>,
    /// actions for the "three-finger swipe up" event
    pub three_finger_swipe_up: Option<Vec<StringifiedAction>>,
    /// actions for the "three-finger swipe right-up" event
    pub three_finger_swipe_right_up: Option<Vec<StringifiedAction>>,
    /// actions for the "three-finger swipe right" event
    pub three_finger_swipe_right: Option<Vec<StringifiedAction>>,
    /// actions for the "three-finger swipe right-down" event
    pub three_finger_swipe_right_down: Option<Vec<StringifiedAction>>,
    /// actions for the "three-finger swipe down" event
    pub three_finger_swipe_down: Option<Vec<StringifiedAction>>,
    /// actions for the "three-finger swipe left-down" event
    pub three_finger_swipe_left_down: Option<Vec<StringifiedAction>>,
    /// actions for the "four-finger swipe left" event
    pub four_finger_swipe_left: Option<Vec<StringifiedAction>>,
    /// actions for the "four-finger swipe left-up" event
    pub four_finger_swipe_left_up: Option<Vec<StringifiedAction>>,
    /// actions for the "four-finger swipe up" event
    pub four_finger_swipe_up: Option<Vec<StringifiedAction>>,
    /// actions for the "four-finger swipe right-up" event
    pub four_finger_swipe_right_up: Option<Vec<StringifiedAction>>,
    /// actions for the "four-finger swipe right" event
    pub four_finger_swipe_right: Option<Vec<StringifiedAction>>,
    /// actions for the "four-finger swipe right-down" event
    pub four_finger_swipe_right_down: Option<Vec<StringifiedAction>>,
    /// actions for the "four-finger swipe down" event
    pub four_finger_swipe_down: Option<Vec<StringifiedAction>>,
    /// actions for the "four-finger swipe left-down" event
    pub four_finger_swipe_left_down: Option<Vec<StringifiedAction>>,
    /// invert the X axis (considering positive displacement as "left")
    pub invert_x: Option<bool>,
    /// invert the Y axis (considering positive displacement as "up")
    pub invert_y: Option<bool>,

impl Opts {
    /// Return the actions registered with an event.
    pub fn get_actions_for_event(
        action_event: ActionEvent,
    ) -> Option<&Vec<StringifiedAction>> {
        match action_event {
            ActionEvent::ThreeFingerSwipeLeft => self.three_finger_swipe_left.as_ref(),
            ActionEvent::ThreeFingerSwipeLeftUp => self.three_finger_swipe_left_up.as_ref(),
            ActionEvent::ThreeFingerSwipeUp => self.three_finger_swipe_up.as_ref(),
            ActionEvent::ThreeFingerSwipeRightUp => self.three_finger_swipe_right_up.as_ref(),
            ActionEvent::ThreeFingerSwipeRight => self.three_finger_swipe_right.as_ref(),
            ActionEvent::ThreeFingerSwipeRightDown => self.three_finger_swipe_right_down.as_ref(),
            ActionEvent::ThreeFingerSwipeDown => self.three_finger_swipe_down.as_ref(),
            ActionEvent::ThreeFingerSwipeLeftDown => self.three_finger_swipe_left_down.as_ref(),
            ActionEvent::FourFingerSwipeLeft => self.four_finger_swipe_left.as_ref(),
            ActionEvent::FourFingerSwipeLeftUp => self.four_finger_swipe_left_up.as_ref(),
            ActionEvent::FourFingerSwipeUp => self.four_finger_swipe_up.as_ref(),
            ActionEvent::FourFingerSwipeRightUp => self.four_finger_swipe_right_up.as_ref(),
            ActionEvent::FourFingerSwipeRight => self.four_finger_swipe_right.as_ref(),
            ActionEvent::FourFingerSwipeRightDown => self.four_finger_swipe_right_down.as_ref(),
            ActionEvent::FourFingerSwipeDown => self.four_finger_swipe_down.as_ref(),
            ActionEvent::FourFingerSwipeLeftDown => self.four_finger_swipe_left_down.as_ref(),

mod test {
    use super::*;
    use crate::settings::{setup_application, Settings};
    use crate::test_utils::default_test_settings;
    use clap::Parser;
    use simplelog::LevelFilter;
    use std::env;
    use std::fs::{create_dir, File};
    use std::io::Write;
    use tempfile::Builder;

    #[should_panic(expected = "The value does not conform to the action string pattern")]
    /// Test passing an action string as a parameter with invalid pattern.
    fn test_action_argument_invalid_pattern() {
        Opts::try_parse_from(["lillinput", "--three-finger-swipe-left", "invalid"]).unwrap();

    #[should_panic(expected = "The value does not start with a valid action")]
    /// Test passing an action string as a parameter with invalid pattern.
    fn test_action_argument_invalid_action_string() {
        Opts::try_parse_from(["lillinput", "--three-finger-swipe-left", "invalid:bar"]).unwrap();

    /// Test passing an action string as a parameter.
    fn test_action_argument_valid_action_string() {
        let opts: Opts = Opts::parse_from(["lillinput", "--three-finger-swipe-left", "i3:foo"]);

    #[should_panic(expected = "InvalidValue")]
    /// Test passing an invalid enabled action type as a parameter.
    fn test_enabled_action_types_argument_invalid() {
        Opts::try_parse_from(["lillinput", "--enabled-action-types", "invalid"]).unwrap();

    /// Test conversion of `Opts` to `Settings`.
    fn test_opts_to_settings() {
        let opts: Opts = Opts::parse_from([
        let converted_settings: Settings = setup_application(opts, false).unwrap();

        // Build expected settings:
        // * config file should be not passed and have no effect on settings.
        // * the "command:bar" action should be removed, as "command" is not enabled.
        // * actions should use the enum representations, and contain the passed values.
        // * log level should be the default (INFO) + 2 levels from CLI.
        let mut expected_settings = default_test_settings();
        expected_settings.verbose = LevelFilter::Trace; = String::from("");
        expected_settings.enabled_action_types = vec![ActionType::I3.to_string()];
        expected_settings.threshold = 20.0;
        for (event, command) in vec![
            (ActionEvent::ThreeFingerSwipeLeft.to_string(), "3left"),
            (ActionEvent::ThreeFingerSwipeLeftUp.to_string(), "3left-up"),
            (ActionEvent::ThreeFingerSwipeUp.to_string(), "3up"),
            (ActionEvent::ThreeFingerSwipeRight.to_string(), "3right"),
            (ActionEvent::ThreeFingerSwipeDown.to_string(), "3down"),
            (ActionEvent::FourFingerSwipeLeft.to_string(), "4left"),
            (ActionEvent::FourFingerSwipeLeftUp.to_string(), "4left-up"),
            (ActionEvent::FourFingerSwipeUp.to_string(), "4up"),
            (ActionEvent::FourFingerSwipeRightUp.to_string(), "4right-up"),
            (ActionEvent::FourFingerSwipeRight.to_string(), "4right"),
            (ActionEvent::FourFingerSwipeDown.to_string(), "4down"),
        ] {
                .insert(event, vec![StringifiedAction::new("i3", command)]);

        assert_eq!(converted_settings, expected_settings);

    /// Test using a config file.
    fn test_config_file() {
        let mut file = Builder::new().suffix(".toml").tempfile().unwrap();
        let file_path = String::from(file.path().to_str().unwrap());

verbose = "DEBUG"
seat = ""
threshold = 42.0
enabled_action_types = ["i3"]

three-finger-swipe-right = ["i3:foo"]
three-finger-swipe-left = []
four-finger-swipe-right = ["i3:bar", "command:baz"]

        let opts: Opts = Opts::parse_from(["lillinput", "--config-file", &file_path]);
        let converted_settings: Settings = setup_application(opts, false).unwrap();

        // Build expected settings:
        // * values should be read from the config file.
        // * the "command:bar" action should be removed, as "command" is not enabled.
        // * actions should use the enum representations, and contain the passed values.
        let mut expected_settings = default_test_settings();
        expected_settings.verbose = LevelFilter::Debug; = String::from("");
        expected_settings.enabled_action_types = vec![ActionType::I3.to_string()];
        expected_settings.threshold = 42.0;
            vec![StringifiedAction::new("i3", "foo")],
            vec![StringifiedAction::new("i3", "bar")],

        assert_eq!(converted_settings, expected_settings);

    /// Test using a config file from the default set (at `XDG_CONFIG_HOME`).
    fn test_config_file_from_xdg_config_home() {
        // Create a temporary dir.
        let tmp_dir = Builder::new().prefix("lillinput-conf").tempdir().unwrap();

        // Create the config dir ("temp/lillinput"), and tweak the xdg env var.
        env::set_var("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", tmp_dir.path());

        // Populate the config file.
        let config_home_file_path = tmp_dir.path().join("lillinput").join("lillinput.toml");
        let mut config_home_file = File::create(config_home_file_path).unwrap();
verbose = "DEBUG"
seat = ""
threshold = 42.0
enabled_action_types = ["i3"]
invert_x = true

three-finger-swipe-right = ["i3:foo"]
three-finger-swipe-left = []
four-finger-swipe-right = ["i3:bar", "command:baz"]

        let opts: Opts = Opts::parse_from(["lillinput"]);
        let converted_settings: Settings = setup_application(opts, false).unwrap();

        // Build expected settings:
        // * values should be read from the home config file.
        // * the "command:bar" action should be removed, as "command" is not enabled.
        // * actions should use the enum representations, and contain the passed values.
        let mut expected_settings = default_test_settings();
        expected_settings.verbose = LevelFilter::Debug; = String::from("");
        expected_settings.enabled_action_types = vec![ActionType::I3.to_string()];
        expected_settings.invert_x = true;
        expected_settings.threshold = 42.0;
            vec![StringifiedAction::new("i3", "foo")],
            vec![StringifiedAction::new("i3", "bar")],

        assert_eq!(converted_settings, expected_settings);

    /// Test overriding options from a config file with options from CLI.
    fn test_config_overriding() {
        let mut file = Builder::new().suffix(".toml").tempfile().unwrap();
        let file_path = String::from(file.path().to_str().unwrap());

seat = "seat.from.config"
threshold = 42.0

three-finger-swipe-right = ["i3:right_from_config"]
three-finger-swipe-left = ["i3:left_from_config"]

        let opts: Opts = Opts::parse_from([
        let converted_settings: Settings = setup_application(opts, false).unwrap();

        // Build expected settings:
        // * values should be merged from:
        //   1. default values.
        //   2. custom config file.
        //   3. cli arguments.
        let mut expected_settings = Settings {
            // `seat` from config file.
            seat: String::from("seat.from.config"),
            // `threshold` from CLI.
            threshold: 99.9,

        // `three-finger-swipe-right` from config file.
            vec![StringifiedAction::new("i3", "right_from_config")],
        // `three-finger-swipe-left` from CLI.
            vec![StringifiedAction::new("i3", "left_from_cli")],

        assert_eq!(converted_settings, expected_settings);