lightning_encoding 0.8.0

Network encoding for lightning network peer protocol data types
# LNP/BP Core Library


[![unsafe forbidden](](
[![MIT licensed](](./LICENSE)

This is LNP/BP Core Library: a rust library implementing LNP/BP specifications 
<>. It can be used to simplify development of
layer 2 & 3 solutions on top of Lightning Network and Bitcoin blockchain. 

The current list of the projects based on the library include:
* [RGB] Confidential & scalable smart 
  contracts for Bitcoin & Lightning
* [Generalized Lightning Network] 
  and it's reference implementation named 
  [LNP node] enabling:
  - RGB extensions
  - DLC extensions
  - [Lightspeed payments]
  - Multi-peer channels
  - Faster lightning experiments (quicker adoption of eltoo, Taproot etc)
* [LNP] 
  Networking protocol for privacy-keeping and censorship-resistant applications,
  operating in both P2P and RPC modes (currently used as a part of Lightning 
  network, but our effort is to make it more generic and usable even outside of 
  LN). All services, developed by LNP/BP Standards Association (see points
  below) are made with LNP.
* [BP node] Indexing service for bitcoin 
  blockchain; more efficient & universal Electrum server replacement. In 
  perspective - validating Bitcoin network node (using libbitcoinconsus)

The planned projects:
* Decentralized exchange for Lightning Network
* Bifrost Node: P2P LNP/BP network infrastructural node running
  - Decentralized exchange information workflows
  - Watchtowers (RGB-enabled)
  - DLC oracle provider
  - Anonymous intermediate storage for client-validated data (like RGB 
  - Storm storage providers (see below)
* [Storm] Incentivised trustless storage and 
  messaging protocol
* [Prometheus] Decentralized 
  trustless computing

Potentially, with LNP/BP Core library you can simplify the development of
* Discreet log contracts
* Implement experimental lightning features
* Do complex multi-threaded or elastic/dockerized client-service microservice 

To learn more about the technologies enabled by the library please check:
* [RGB Technology Internals]
* [Networking with LNP]
* [LNP/BP Nodes Initiative]

The development of the library projects is supported by LNP/BP Standards 

## Library functionality

The library provides the code for:

* RGB: confidential smart contracts with client-side validation, with Lightning
  network support
* Improvements & utilities for Bitcoin protocol 
* Deterministic commitments that can be embedded into for Bitcoin transactions 
  and public keys (DBC)
* Single-use seals
* Client-side validation
* Lightning networking protocol (LNP)
* Generalized lightning network

This code supports both Bitcoin blockchain and Lightning network.

## Project structure

The library is built as a single Rust crate with the following top-level mods:
* paradigms: generic paradigms (API best practices) which are not bitcoin-specific
* bp: Bitcoin protocol extensions external to [Bitcoin Core] 
  functionality and existing [BIPs] These may
  also cover those of [LNPBP standards] which 
  are not specific for other layers.
* lnp: Lightning Network protocol extensions: networking, generalized lightning 
  channels and better layerization of
  [BOLT specifications]
* rgb: smart contracts for Bitcoin and Lightning network based client-side 
  validation, deterministic bitcoin commitments and single-use seals.
* standards: other LNPBPs standard implementation which does not fit into any of
  the categories above

The library is based on other projects:
* [rust-bitcoin]
* [bitcoin_hashes]
* [rust-secp256k1]
* [rust-secp256k1-zkp] 
  for Pedersen commitments and Bulletproofs used in confidential state inside 
  RGB protocols
* [rust-miniscript]

## Install

### Get the dependencies

On Debian, run
```shell script
sudo apt-get install cargo libssl-dev libzmq3-dev pkg-config g++ cmake

On Mac OS, run
```shell script
brew cargo pkg-config zmq

### Clone and compile library

Minimum supported rust compiler version (MSRV): 1.56.1, due to edition 2021

```shell script
git clone
cd rust-lnpbp
cargo build --release --all-features

The library can be found in `target/release` directory.

You can run full test suite with:


Please refer to the [`cargo` documentation]( 
for more detailed instructions. 

### Use library in other projects

Add these lines to your `Cargo.toml` file at the very end of the `[dependecies]`

lnpbp = "~0.2.0"
lnpbp_derive = "~0.2.0"
lnpbp_services = "~0.2.0"

## Contributing

Contribution guidelines can be found in a separate 

## More information

### Policy on Altcoins/Altchains

Altcoins and "blockchains" other than Bitcoin blockchain/Bitcoin protocols are 
not supported and not planned to be supported; pull requests targeting them will 
be declined.

### Licensing