lightning 0.0.113

A Bitcoin Lightning library in Rust. Does most of the hard work, without implying a specific runtime, requiring clients implement basic network logic, chain interactions and disk storage. Still missing tons of error-handling. See GitHub issues for suggested projects if you want to contribute. Don't have to bother telling you not to use this for anything serious, because you'd have to build a client around it to even try.
//! Abstractions for scripts used in the Lightning Network.

use bitcoin::blockdata::opcodes::all::OP_PUSHBYTES_0 as SEGWIT_V0;
use bitcoin::blockdata::script::{Builder, Script};
use bitcoin::hashes::Hash;
use bitcoin::hash_types::{WPubkeyHash, WScriptHash};
use bitcoin::secp256k1::PublicKey;
use bitcoin::util::address::WitnessVersion;

use crate::ln::channelmanager;
use crate::ln::features::InitFeatures;
use crate::ln::msgs::DecodeError;
use crate::util::ser::{Readable, Writeable, Writer};

use core::convert::TryFrom;
use crate::io;

/// A script pubkey for shutting down a channel as defined by [BOLT #2].
/// [BOLT #2]:
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ShutdownScript(ShutdownScriptImpl);

/// An error occurring when converting from [`Script`] to [`ShutdownScript`].
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct InvalidShutdownScript {
	/// The script that did not meet the requirements from [BOLT #2].
	/// [BOLT #2]:
	pub script: Script

#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum ShutdownScriptImpl {
	/// [`PublicKey`] used to form a P2WPKH script pubkey. Used to support backward-compatible
	/// serialization.

	/// [`Script`] adhering to a script pubkey format specified in BOLT #2.

impl Writeable for ShutdownScript {
	fn write<W: Writer>(&self, w: &mut W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {

	fn serialized_length(&self) -> usize {

impl Readable for ShutdownScript {
	fn read<R: io::Read>(r: &mut R) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {

impl_writeable_tlv_based_enum!(ShutdownScriptImpl, ;
	(0, Legacy),
	(1, Bolt2),

impl ShutdownScript {
	/// Generates a P2WPKH script pubkey from the given [`PublicKey`].
	pub(crate) fn new_p2wpkh_from_pubkey(pubkey: PublicKey) -> Self {

	/// Generates a P2WPKH script pubkey from the given [`WPubkeyHash`].
	pub fn new_p2wpkh(pubkey_hash: &WPubkeyHash) -> Self {

	/// Generates a P2WSH script pubkey from the given [`WScriptHash`].
	pub fn new_p2wsh(script_hash: &WScriptHash) -> Self {

	/// Generates a witness script pubkey from the given segwit version and program.
	/// Note for version-zero witness scripts you must use [`ShutdownScript::new_p2wpkh`] or
	/// [`ShutdownScript::new_p2wsh`] instead.
	/// # Errors
	/// This function may return an error if `program` is invalid for the segwit `version`.
	pub fn new_witness_program(version: WitnessVersion, program: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, InvalidShutdownScript> {
		let script = Builder::new()
			.push_int(version as i64)

	/// Converts the shutdown script into the underlying [`Script`].
	pub fn into_inner(self) -> Script {

	/// Returns the [`PublicKey`] used for a P2WPKH shutdown script if constructed directly from it.
	pub fn as_legacy_pubkey(&self) -> Option<&PublicKey> {
		match &self.0 {
			ShutdownScriptImpl::Legacy(pubkey) => Some(pubkey),
			ShutdownScriptImpl::Bolt2(_) => None,

	/// Returns whether the shutdown script is compatible with the features as defined by BOLT #2.
	/// Specifically, checks for compliance with feature `option_shutdown_anysegwit`.
	pub fn is_compatible(&self, features: &InitFeatures) -> bool {
		match &self.0 {
			ShutdownScriptImpl::Legacy(_) => true,
			ShutdownScriptImpl::Bolt2(script) => is_bolt2_compliant(script, features),

/// Check if a given script is compliant with BOLT 2's shutdown script requirements for the given
/// counterparty features.
pub(crate) fn is_bolt2_compliant(script: &Script, features: &InitFeatures) -> bool {
	if script.is_p2pkh() || script.is_p2sh() || script.is_v0_p2wpkh() || script.is_v0_p2wsh() {
	} else if features.supports_shutdown_anysegwit() {
		script.is_witness_program() && script.as_bytes()[0] != SEGWIT_V0.to_u8()
	} else {

// Note that this is only for our own shutdown scripts. Counterparties are still allowed to send us
// non-witness shutdown scripts which this rejects.
impl TryFrom<Script> for ShutdownScript {
	type Error = InvalidShutdownScript;

	fn try_from(script: Script) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
		Self::try_from((script, &channelmanager::provided_init_features()))

// Note that this is only for our own shutdown scripts. Counterparties are still allowed to send us
// non-witness shutdown scripts which this rejects.
impl TryFrom<(Script, &InitFeatures)> for ShutdownScript {
	type Error = InvalidShutdownScript;

	fn try_from((script, features): (Script, &InitFeatures)) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
		if is_bolt2_compliant(&script, features) && script.is_witness_program() {
		} else {
			Err(InvalidShutdownScript { script })

impl Into<Script> for ShutdownScript {
	fn into(self) -> Script {
		match self.0 {
			ShutdownScriptImpl::Legacy(pubkey) =>
			ShutdownScriptImpl::Bolt2(script_pubkey) => script_pubkey,

impl core::fmt::Display for ShutdownScript{
	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result {
		match &self.0 {
			ShutdownScriptImpl::Legacy(_) => self.clone().into_inner().fmt(f),
			ShutdownScriptImpl::Bolt2(script) => script.fmt(f),

mod shutdown_script_tests {
	use super::ShutdownScript;
	use bitcoin::blockdata::opcodes;
	use bitcoin::blockdata::script::{Builder, Script};
	use bitcoin::secp256k1::Secp256k1;
	use bitcoin::secp256k1::{PublicKey, SecretKey};
	use crate::ln::features::InitFeatures;
	use core::convert::TryFrom;
	use bitcoin::util::address::WitnessVersion;

	fn pubkey() -> bitcoin::util::key::PublicKey {
		let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::signing_only();
		let secret_key = SecretKey::from_slice(&[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]).unwrap();
		bitcoin::util::key::PublicKey::new(PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &secret_key))

	fn redeem_script() -> Script {
		let pubkey = pubkey();

	fn any_segwit_features() -> InitFeatures {
		let mut features = InitFeatures::empty();

	fn generates_p2wpkh_from_pubkey() {
		let pubkey = pubkey();
		let pubkey_hash = pubkey.wpubkey_hash().unwrap();
		let p2wpkh_script = Script::new_v0_p2wpkh(&pubkey_hash);

		let shutdown_script = ShutdownScript::new_p2wpkh_from_pubkey(pubkey.inner);
		assert_eq!(shutdown_script.into_inner(), p2wpkh_script);

	fn generates_p2wpkh_from_pubkey_hash() {
		let pubkey_hash = pubkey().wpubkey_hash().unwrap();
		let p2wpkh_script = Script::new_v0_p2wpkh(&pubkey_hash);

		let shutdown_script = ShutdownScript::new_p2wpkh(&pubkey_hash);
		assert_eq!(shutdown_script.into_inner(), p2wpkh_script);

	fn generates_p2wsh_from_script_hash() {
		let script_hash = redeem_script().wscript_hash();
		let p2wsh_script = Script::new_v0_p2wsh(&script_hash);

		let shutdown_script = ShutdownScript::new_p2wsh(&script_hash);
		assert_eq!(shutdown_script.into_inner(), p2wsh_script);

	fn generates_segwit_from_non_v0_witness_program() {
		let witness_program = Script::new_witness_program(WitnessVersion::V16, &[0; 40]);
		let shutdown_script = ShutdownScript::new_witness_program(WitnessVersion::V16, &[0; 40]).unwrap();
		assert_eq!(shutdown_script.into_inner(), witness_program);

	fn fails_from_unsupported_script() {
		let op_return = Script::new_op_return(&[0; 42]);

	fn fails_from_invalid_segwit_v0_witness_program() {
		let witness_program = Script::new_witness_program(WitnessVersion::V0, &[0; 2]);

	fn fails_from_invalid_segwit_non_v0_witness_program() {
		let witness_program = Script::new_witness_program(WitnessVersion::V16, &[0; 42]);

		assert!(ShutdownScript::new_witness_program(WitnessVersion::V16, &[0; 42]).is_err());