lightning 0.0.103

A Bitcoin Lightning library in Rust. Does most of the hard work, without implying a specific runtime, requiring clients implement basic network logic, chain interactions and disk storage. Still missing tons of error-handling. See GitHub issues for suggested projects if you want to contribute. Don't have to bother telling you not to use this for anything serious, because you'd have to build a client around it to even try.
name = "lightning"
version = "0.0.103"
authors = ["Matt Corallo"]
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
repository = ""
description = """
A Bitcoin Lightning library in Rust.
Does most of the hard work, without implying a specific runtime, requiring clients implement basic network logic, chain interactions and disk storage.
Still missing tons of error-handling. See GitHub issues for suggested projects if you want to contribute. Don't have to bother telling you not to use this for anything serious, because you'd have to build a client around it to even try.

allow_wallclock_use = []
fuzztarget = ["bitcoin/fuzztarget", "regex"]
# Internal test utilities exposed to other repo crates
_test_utils = ["hex", "regex", "bitcoin/bitcoinconsensus"]
# Unlog messages superior at targeted level.
max_level_off = []
max_level_error = []
max_level_warn = []
max_level_info = []
max_level_debug = []
# Allow signing of local transactions that may have been revoked or will be revoked, for functional testing (e.g. justice tx handling).
# This is unsafe to use in production because it may result in the counterparty publishing taking our funds.
unsafe_revoked_tx_signing = []
unstable = []

no-std = ["hashbrown", "bitcoin/no-std", "core2/alloc"]
std = ["bitcoin/std"]

default = ["std"]

bitcoin = { version = "0.27", default-features = false, features = ["secp-recovery"] }
# TODO remove this once rust-bitcoin PR #637 is released
secp256k1 = { version = "0.20.2", default-features = false, features = ["alloc"] }

hashbrown = { version = "0.11", optional = true }
hex = { version = "0.3", optional = true }
regex = { version = "0.1.80", optional = true }

core2 = { version = "0.3.0", optional = true, default-features = false }

hex = "0.3"
regex = "0.1.80"
# TODO remove this once rust-bitcoin PR #637 is released
secp256k1 = { version = "0.20.2", default-features = false, features = ["alloc"] }

version = "0.27"
default-features = false
features = ["bitcoinconsensus", "secp-recovery"]

features = ["allow_wallclock_use"] # When complies with our MSVR, we can add nice banners in the docs for the methods behind this feature-gate.