light-curve-feature 0.4.5

Feature extractor from noisy time series
# Changelog

All notable changes to `light-curve-feature` will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## [Unreleased]

### Added
### Changed
### Deprecated
### Removed
### Fixed
### Security
## [0.4.5] 2002 June 10

### Added

- CI: build on Windows w/o GSL

### Fixed

- Fix `NaN` panic in MCMC
- Make it possible to run tests, benchmarks and examples without `gsl` feature

## [0.4.4] 2022 June 3

### Fixed

- Overflow in `{Bazin,Villar}Fit`

## [0.4.3] 2022 May 12

### Added

- `NyquistFreq` constructor static methods

### Fixed

- Make `FixedNyquistFreq` public

## [0.4.2] 2022 May 12

### Added

- `Cargo.toml` keywords and categories
- Add `Fixed(FixedNyquistFreq)` variant of `NyquistFreq` which defines a fixed Nyquist frequency to use for pariodogram

### Changed

- The project repository was split from other 'light-curve*' crates and moved into <>
- `light-curve-common` is a dev-dependency now
- CI: split Github Actions workflow into pieces

### Removed

- Unused `dyn-clonable` dependency

## [0.4.1] 2021 Dec 15

### Changed

- `BazinLnPrior`, `BazinInitsBounds`, `VillarLnPrior`, `VillarINitisBounds` are public now

### Fixed

- Fixed amplitude prior of `VillarLnPrior::Hosseinzadeh2020`
- The example plotted wrong graphs for the Villar function

## [0.4.0] 2021 Dec 10

### Added

- `prelude` module to allow a user importing all traits
- `McmcCurveFit` uses new `LnPrior` objects which holds natural logarithm of priors for parameters. `BazinFit` and `VillarFit` requires this object to be specified
- `VillarFit` could use `VillarLnPrior::Hosseinzadeh2020` adopted from Hosseinzadeh et al 2020 paper (aka Superphot paper)
- `FeatureExtractor::from_features()` as a specified version of `new()` required less if not none type annotations

### Changed

- Rust edition 2021
- Minimum Rust version is 1.56
- `FeatureEvaluator` trait is split into three: `FeatureEvaluator`, `EvaluatorInfoTrait` and `FeatureNamesDescriptionsTrait`
- `BazinFit` and `VillarFit` are reimplemented using new traits, which all are included into `prelude`
- `VillarFit` now uses a different parameter set to fix issue with non-physical negative flux fits, relative plateau amplitude `nu` replaces plateau slope `beta`. It is a breaking change
- `BazinFit` and `VillarFit` name and description for `t_0` parameter are changed replacing "peak" to "reference", because this time moment does not correspond to the light-curve peak
- `BazinFit` and `VillarFit` have two new fields (and require two new argments in there `new` constructors): `ln_prior` and `inits_bounds`. The last one supports custom initial guess and boundaries for the optimization problem
- MCMC uses more diverse initial guesses which take into account boundary conditions

### Removed

- `features::antifeatures` submodule is removed and all its features moved to the parent `features` submodule

### Fixed

- Update `clap` to `3.0.0-rc.0`, it is used for the example executable only
- `EtaE` and `MaximumSlope` docs updated to highlight cadence dependency of these features

## [0.3.3] 2021 Oct 14

### Fixed

- Equation in `VillarFit` was different from the paper
- `VillarFit`'s and `BazinFit`'s amplitude, tau_rise, tau_fall and plateau duration (for `VillarFit`) are insured to be positive

## [0.3.2] 2021 Aug 30

### Changed

- Rust-specific docs for `BazinFit` and `VillarFit` are moved from struct docs to `::new()` docs

### Fixed

- Equation rendering in `VillarFit` HTML docs

## [0.3.1] 2021 Aug 16

### Changed

- `periodogram` module and `_PeriodogramPeaks` are hidden from the docs
- Update katex for <> to 0.13.13

### Fixed

- Docs for `Extractor`, `FeatureEvaluator`, `AndersonDarlingNormal`, `Bins`, `Cusum`, `EtaE`, `InterPercentileRange`, `LinearFit`, `LinearTrend`, `Median`, `PercentAmplitude`, `Periodogram`, `ReducedChi2`, `VillarFit` and `BazinFit`

## [0.3.0] 2021 Aug 10

### Added

- This `` file
- `Feature` enum containing all available features, it implements `FeatureEvaluator`
- (De)serialization with [`serde`] is implemented for all features
- JSON schema generation with [`schemars`] is implemented for all features
- `TimeSeries` and `DataSample` use `ndarray::CowArray` to hold data, their constructors accept `ArrayBase` objects
- Static method `::doc()` for every feature, it returns language-agnostic feature evaluator description
- `examples` directory with an example which fits and plots some SN Ia light curves
- "private" sub-crate `light-curve-feature-test-util` with common tools for tests, benchmarks and examples

### Changed

- `FeatureExtractor`, `Bins` and `Periodogram` accepts `Feature` enum objects instead of `Box<FeatureEvaluator>`
- Periodogram-related `NyquistFreq` and `PeriodogramPower` are changed from traits to enums
- `TimeSeries::new` accepts non-optional weights, use `TimeSeries::new_without_weight` to initialize time series with unity weight array
- `BazinFit` is parameterized by a curve-fit algorithm, MCMC and GSL's LMSDER are available, but the last one requires non-default `gsl` Cargo feature. MCMC becomes the default algorithm, some wide boundary conditions are included
- Rename `BazinFit::get_names()[1]` from "bazin_fit_offset" to "bazin_fit_baseline"
- Add `VillarFit` feature for the Villar function [arXiv:1905.07422], see `BazinFit` above for technical details
- `LinearTrend` requires at least three observations and returns three values: slope, its error and standard deviation of noise (new)
- Publicly exported stuff

## [0.2.x]
## [0.1.x]