Crate light_curve_feature[][src]

Expand description

light-curve-feature is a part of light-curve family that implements extraction of numerous light curve features used in astrophysics.

All features are available in Feature enum, and the recommended way to extract multiple features at once is FeatureExtractor struct built from a Vec<Feature>. Data is represented by TimeSeries struct built from time, magnitude (or flux) and weights arrays of the same length. Note that multiple features interprets weight array as inversed squared observation errors.

use light_curve_feature::*;

// Let's find amplitude and reduced Chi-squared of the light curve
let fe = FeatureExtractor::<_, Feature<_>>::new(vec![Amplitude::default().into(), ReducedChi2::default().into()]);
// Define light curve
let time = [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0];
let magn = [-1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 3.0, 4.5];
let weights = [5.0, 10.0, 2.0, 10.0, 5.0]; // inverse squared magnitude errors
let mut ts = TimeSeries::new(&time, &magn, &weights);
// Get results and print
let result = fe.eval(&mut ts)?;
let names = fe.get_names();
println!("{:?}", names.iter().zip(result.iter()).collect::<Vec<_>>());

There are a couple of meta-features, which transform a light curve before feature extraction. For example Bins feature which accumulate data inside time-windows and evaluate features on this new light curve

use light_curve_feature::*;
use ndarray::Array1;

// Define features, "raw" MaximumSlope and binned with zero offset and 1-day window
let max_slope: Feature<_> = MaximumSlope::default().into();
let bins: Feature<_> = {
    let mut bins = Bins::new(1.0, 0.0);
let fe = FeatureExtractor::<_, Feature<_>>::new(vec![max_slope, bins]);
// Define light curve
let time = [0.1, 0.2, 1.1, 2.1, 2.1];
let magn = [10.0, 10.1, 10.5, 11.0, 10.9];
// We don't need weight for MaximumSlope, this would assign unity weight
let mut ts = TimeSeries::new_without_weight(&time, &magn);
// Get results and print
let result = fe.eval(&mut ts)?;
println!("{:?}", result);


pub use features::antifeatures;
pub use features::*;
pub use periodogram::recurrent_sin_cos::RecurrentSinCos;
pub use periodogram::PeriodogramPower;


Feature sctructs implements crate::FeatureEvaluator trait

Periodogram-related stuff


$\Delta t = \mathrm{duration} / (N - 1)$ is the mean time interval between observations

A TimeSeries component

The engine which extracts features one by one

LMSDER GSL non-linear least-squares wrapper

MCMC sampler for non-linear least squares

$\Delta t$ is the median time interval between observations

Direct periodogram executor

“Fast” (FFT-based) periodogram executor

$\Delta t$ is the $q$th quantile of time intervals between subsequent observations

Time series object to be put into Feature


Optimization algorithm for non-linear least squares

Error returned from crate::FeatureEvaluator

All features are available as variants of this enum

Derive Nyquist frequency from time series


The trait each feature should implement

Floating number trait, it is implemented for f32 and f64 only