liff 0.1.1

Fast levenshtein diff, fastest as we can do with levenshtein.


Liff 🍃

Compute the diff between two vectors with the Levenshtein algorithm.

Faster than other crate. Try cargo bench to see the difference.


Levenshtein is a O(n1n2) time complexty and in space so you don't want to use it with a big raw. But you can use it with good chunks or text content!

    let from: Vec<u8> = input_text_from.as_bytes().into();
    let to: Vec<u8> = input_text_to.as_bytes().into();
    let diff = diff::diff::<u8>(&from, &to);

Use the diff output

The diff output can be used as a patch from another part of your code.

    let res = apply::apply(from, &diff);
    // res should be equals to "to"

Write temporary a compressed patch

the diff patch is quite bigger than we can do. You can compress it and that's what we do when we dump a file. You can read and write a diff with these functions.

    diffio::write(std::path::Path::new("diff.d"), diff.clone());
    let diff = diffio::read(std::path::Path::new("diff.d"));
