Macro lifelink::lifelink

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macro_rules! lifelink {
    ($lifelink:ident : $ty:ty = $thing:expr) => { ... };
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Safe helper macro for creating a Lifelink value wrapping thing. The lifetime of this Lifelink value will be managed by the Rust compiler, and the thing passed in cannot be retrieved.

If you need a way to later retrieve ownership of the thing value passed in, see the unsafe Lifelink::new constructor which this macro uses internally.


use std::thread::spawn;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use lifelink::{lifelink, Lifelink, RefCtor};

let answer = AtomicUsize::new(0);

lifelink!(lifelink: RefCtor<AtomicUsize> = &answer);

    let guard = lifelink.get().unwrap();
    assert_eq!(0, guard.load(Ordering::Relaxed));, Ordering::Release);

assert_eq!(42, answer.load(Ordering::Acquire));