[][src]Macro lifeline::lifeline_bus

macro_rules! lifeline_bus {
    (struct $name:ident $(< $( $gen:ident ),+ >)? ) => { ... };
    (pub struct $name:ident $(< $( $gen:ident ),+ >)* ) => { ... };
    (($($vis:tt)*) struct $name:ident $(< $( $gen:ident ),+ >)? ) => { ... };

Defines a lifeline bus: it's struct, Bus impl, and DynBus impl.


use lifeline::prelude::*;
use tokio::sync::mpsc;

lifeline_bus!(pub struct ExampleBus);

// carry ExampleMessage on the bus, using a tokio mpsc sender.
pub struct ExampleMessage {}
impl Message<ExampleBus> for ExampleMessage {
    type Channel = mpsc::Sender<Self>;

You can also define private structs:

use lifeline::prelude::*;

lifeline_bus!(struct PrivateExampleBus);

You can also define generics (which are constrained to Debug):

use lifeline::prelude::*;
lifeline_bus!(pub struct ExampleBus<T>);

Prelude, auto-imports, and rust-analyzer

Unfortunately, rust-analyzer doesn't handle auto-imports for structures defined in macros. There is an ergonomic solution: define a prelude module in your crate root, and pub use all your bus structs. If you want, you can pub use lifeline::prelude::* as well.