lich 0.2.0

Minimal password management.

:key: lich

An extremely minimal command-line password manager.

Made with :tea: + :heart: by quadrupleslap. Any contributions welcome!

Quick Start

This example uses fzf for fuzzy-searching.

# Install it. For now this part needs Rust.
cargo install lich --all-features

# Initialize at the default file path.
export LICH=$HOME/.lich
lich init

# Set a password.
lich set github

# Fuzzy-select an entry and copy it to the clipboard. Alias this!
lich get $(lich list | fzf) | pbcopy

# Or just get it the old-fashioned way.
lich get github

# Heretic!
lich delete github
lich set bitbucket

# Generate a new password.
lich generate --length 64 | pbcopy
lich set reddit

# More information.
lich help

Is it secure?

Probably! It uses AES-256-GCM to store the passwords, encrypted with a randomly generated encryption key, which is in turn encrypted with the user's selected password. Any help verifying the code would be highly appreciated, though! :wink: