licensebat-cli 0.19.0

CLI tool to manage dependencies' license validation
//! A tool to help you verify that your dependencies comply with your license policies.
//! ## What is Licensebat?
//!`Licensebat` is a **CLI** that you can use for free to verify that the dependencies of your project follow your license policies.
//! Let's say, for instance, that you are building a commercial application. In that case, you may consider avoiding the use of some software with a restrictive license like `GPL`.
//! By using `Licensebat`, you can check you don't have any dependency with such a restrictive license. Normally, it will look in all the the dependency tree of your project, so transient dependencies will also be considered.
//! Feel free to use the `CLI` in your CI/CD pipeline, or in your continuous integration server.
//! <pre class="compile_fail" style="white-space:normal;font:inherit;">
//!     <strong>Warning</strong>: licensebat-cli is still in development so you may use it at your own risk.
//! </pre>
//! ## Licensebat GitHub App
//! Aside from the `CLI`, `Licensebat` can be used directly in your GitHub repositories by installing this [GitHub App](
//! ## Supported languages
//! [![](](
//! [![](](
//! [![](](
//! ## How to use it
//! Just run this:
//! ```bash
//! licensebat --dependency-file ./Cargo.lock
//! ```
//! That will set all in motion. Take into account that you'll need to have access to the internet for the cli to work properly.
//! You can have more information about the `CLI` by running `licensebat --help`.
//! ```txt
//! USAGE:
//! licensebat [OPTIONS] --dependency-file <dependency-file>
//! FLAGS:
//!     -h, --help       Prints help information
//!     -V, --version    Prints version information
//!     -d, --dependency-file <dependency-file>    Path to the file containing the dependencies of the project. i.e.
//!                                                package-lock.json for npm projects, yarn.lock for yarn projects, etc
//!     -l, --licrc-file <licrc-file>              Path to the .licrc file [default: .licrc]
//!     -f, --output-format <output-format>        Output format (json | markdown). Defaults to json.
//! ```
//! ## The .licrc file
//! But before running, you have to be sure you have a `.licrc` file available in your project.
//! You can get a copy from this [gist](
//! It's a `TOML` file with configuration about which are the accepted or denied licenses, ignored dependencies
//! or whether to block or not the PR (exit code == 1) in case it finds invalid dependencies.
//! ```toml
//! [licenses]
//! # This indicates which are the only licenses that Licensebat will accept.
//! # The rest will be flagged as not allowed.
//! accepted = ["MIT", "MSC", "BSD"]
//! # This will indicate which licenses are not accepted.
//! # The rest will be accepted, except for the unknown licenses or dependencies without licenses.
//! # unaccepted = ["LGPL"]
//! # Note that only one of the previous options can be enabled at once.
//! # If both of them are informed, only accepted will be considered.
//! [dependencies]
//! # This will allow users to flag some dependencies so that Licensebat will not check for their license.
//! ignored=["ignored_dep1", "ignored_dep2"]
//! # If set to true, Licensebat will ignore the dev dependencies.
//! ignore_dev_dependencies = true
//! # If set to true, Licensebat will ignore the optional dependencies.
//! ignore_optional_dependencies = true
//! [behavior]
//! # False by default (always exit code == 0), if true, it will exit with code 1 in case some invalid dependency is found.
//! do_not_block_pr = false
//! # This will define the size of the buffer used to retrieve the dependencies.
//! # It's set to 100 by default.
//! # If you have a lot of dependencies, you might want to increase this value, but be careful, if the size is too big, the API might return an error.
//! retriever_buffer_size: 100,
//! ```
//! ## Logs
//! `Licensebat` uses [`tracing`]( You can get logs while running the `CLI` by setting the `RUST_LOG` environment variable.
//! ```bash
//! RUST_LOG=licensebat=info cargo run --dependency-file ./Cargo.lock
//! ```
#![doc(html_logo_url = "")]
#![doc(html_favicon_url = "")]

mod check;
mod cli;

pub use check::{run, RunResult};
pub use cli::{Cli, OutputFormat};